Are There Roaches in Peanut Butter? Is It Safe to Eat?

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Most people love peanut butter. But, unfortunately, other pests, including cockroaches, love peanut butter as well. This makes your kitchen cabinets and pantry attractive to these creatures. In addition, peanut butter is commercially processed, which exposes it to contaminants from many things, including roaches that move into factories in search of this delicious treat.

That said, getting rid of cockroaches in processing plants can be pretty impossible because there are many hiding spots, and using chemicals in food processing factories can be dangerous(which could be worse than consuming tiny insect parts). So, there is a likelihood of finding some traces of cockroaches in your peanut butter.

This article will discuss whether peanut butter has cockroaches, what peanut butter is made of, and what the FDA allows. We will also discuss the various types of butter, whether they are safe, and if they contain bugs.

Are There Roaches in Peanut Butter?

Yes, there are roaches in peanut butter.

However, don’t panic because the FDA states they are cockroach pieces. Besides, the only allowed ratio is 30 insect fragments per 100 grams of peanut butter or 8 mg of water-insoluble inorganic residue for every 100 grams.

In addition, you can also find rodent poop, hair, and other bug parts in your peanut butter.

That said, the regulations allow insect fragments from before or after harvesting processes. In addition, these fragments might get into peanut butter during the processing process.

While the thought of eating peanut butter with cockroaches is disgusting, it is entirely safe. Moreover, the tiny roach pieces have little to zero impact on human health. However, there are various options to try if you cannot stand the thought. For example, you can try organic or homemade peanut butter.

How Can I Tell If My Peanut Butter Has Roaches in It?

peanut butter in glass jar
Image: Joanne Cheung

You cannot tell if your peanut butter has roaches in it. Besides, the pieces are too small to see. In addition, choosing a pricier peanut butter brand doesn’t mean it is free from rodent or roach parts either.

What Is Peanut Butter Made Of?

peanut butter is made of peanuts

Peanut butter is made of peanuts and other ingredients to give it flavor and texture. Because peanut butter must be spreadable, it is mixed with oil or water. Sugar, salt, and other flavoring agents are added to flavor the product.

Sometimes, peanut butter contains coloring, thickening, and other synthetic agents. However, the recipes for making peanut butter vary from brand to brand.

Is Peanut Butter Nutritious?

peanut butter is nutritious

Yes, peanut butter is nutritious. This product contains various minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. Besides, peanut butter is considered one of the most nutritious plant-based foods. It can help support your well-being, make you feel full, and has enough proteins for muscle building.

A jar of peanut butter usually contains the following:

  • Antioxidants
  • Fibers
  • Polyphenols
  • Protein
  • Zinc
  • Niacin
  • Vitamins E and B-6
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium

I Have Cockroach Allergy; Can I Get an Allergic Reaction From Eating Peanut Butter?

allergic reaction from eating peanut butter
Image: Kricket

Yes, you can get an allergic reaction from eating peanut butter if you have a cockroach allergy and eat peanut butter with cockroach parts.

Cockroach parts in peanut butter can affect people with asthma. It can cause migraines, cramps, itching, or even hives in people sensitive to cockroaches. This is especially the case when allergic people continuously eat peanut butter that is contaminated with cockroach parts.

Read More: Are Cockroaches Dangerous?

Alternatives to Factory-Processed Peanut Butter

Now that you know factory-processed peanut butter might contain insect pieces, you are probably asking yourself if organic peanut butter has bugs in it too.

Organic peanut butter is different from other peanut kinds of butter when it comes to the processing procedure. First, organic peanut butter doesn’t have preservatives. Processed peanut butter has preservatives to extend its shelf life. 

That said, organic peanut butter has peanuts and salt only. In addition, this uniqueness of organic peanut butter can be attributed to the distinct way the peanuts are grown and processed.

However, most food processing factories keep promoting clean eating but are not honest about what they add to their products. That said, organic foods are not more protected than other foods. You can also find cockroaches or other insect parts in this peanut butter.

Besides, as much as organic foods are considered safer, more nutritious, and healthier than other foods, you cannot keep insects from lingering around them. So, don’t be surprised if you find trace amounts of rodent hair, droppings, and other insect body parts in your delicious treat.

Can Cockroach Parts Alter the Taste of Peanut Butter?

cockroach parts cannot alter the taste of peanut butter

No, cockroach parts cannot alter the taste of peanut butter.

These fragments are tiny, microscopic, and invisible to the human eye. That said, these parts cannot affect the taste of peanut butter. Moreover, any product approved by the FDA is safe to consume, with or without cockroach parts.

Is It Safe to Consume Peanut Butter With Cockroach Parts in It?

safe to consume peanut butter with cockroach parts

Yes, it is safe to consume peanut butter with cockroach parts in it, so you won’t have to worry about indulging in your favorite spread. Besides, peanut butter is among the most scrutinized products by the FDA. This body even has clear standards and regulations regarding peanut butter’s recommended purity levels.

Therefore, cockroach parts in peanut butter are seen as inherent food flaws that cannot be avoided. Also, the FDA cannot approve any peanut butter with over 30 insect fragments.

Can There Be Cockroach Parts in Almond Butter?

cockroach parts in almond butter
Image: Esther Max

Yes, there can be cockroach parts in almond butter.

Unfortunately, no spread is immune to insect parts, from organic peanut butter to almost every kind of butter spread. However, the good news is that these pieces are microscopic and cannot make you sick.  Almond butter is an excellent alternative for people with peanut allergies and can support your digestive health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Are There Roaches in My Peanut Butter?

There are roaches in your peanut butter because they get there during the manufacturing process, and the FDA has permitted the occurrence of insect parts from pre and post-harvesting procedures. These cockroach pieces are microscopic. So they cannot affect your health or the taste of peanut or almond butter in any way.

What Are the Black Specks Inside My Peanut Butter?

The black specks in your peanut butter are peanut skins. Additionally, these can be caused by color variation in the peanuts that occurs when some peanuts have been over-roasted. This color variation is entirely safe.


  • Brian White

    Brian White has been a freelance writer for the last few years and has worked for several online writing platforms, magazines, and newspapers. He delivers easily digestible content and has a solid understanding of how to skillfully break complicated content into easily understandable material, even to the average Internet reader. Outside work, Brian enjoys playing Chess online, tinkering with his garden tractors, and binge-watching Netflix shows with his lovely wife. Brian and his wife reside in South California. White Brian