Do Roaches Hate Peppermint Oil? Does It Repel and Kill Them?

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Humans love some smells that pests hate. Citrus, thyme, and peppermint are just some of the scents cockroaches find appalling.

While traditional pesticides and repellants tend to have chemical smells that are repulsive to both pests and humans, peppermint oil is a natural pest roach repellent that can actually make your whole home smell better.

Let’s look at everything you need to know about using peppermint oil for roaches.

Does Peppermint Oil Kill Roaches?

Yes, peppermint oil kills roaches. Studies have found that the essential oil is toxic to German and American cockroaches. It even kills some other bugs, such as bed bugs.

It is important to note that these pests were killed after being continuously exposed to peppermint essential oil. This means the bugs need to be in contact with the peppermint oil for an extended period of time for it to kill them. Unfortunately, cockroaches move too fast to be exposed for long enough. 

If you have a large-scale infestation, mint oil will not get rid of them all. It may just kill a few.

Read More: How to Get Rid of Roaches: The Best Ways to Consider

What Makes Peppermint Oil Toxic to Cockroaches?

peppermint essential oils and the leaves of mint

The fact that it contains menthone is what makes peppermint oil toxic to cockroaches. This compound is similar to menthol and is what produces the minty smell. You can find menthone in peppermint essential oils and the leaves of mint plants.

Studies suggest peppermint essential oils affect roaches’ nerves and limit their ability to move. Over time, this affects them so much that it can kill roaches.

Is Peppermint Oil an Effective Way to Repel Cockroaches?

mint oil and peppermint leaves

Yes, peppermint oil is an effective way to repel cockroaches. While it might be a little hit or miss at killing roaches, it is highly effective at preventing them. You can use it to avoid getting an infestation in the first place. 

This includes German and American cockroaches, as well as many other species. In fact, a report from Auburn University showed that over a 14-day period, 100% of cockroaches were repelled by the mint oil.

Why Does Peppermint Oil Repel Roaches?

Peppermint oil repels roaches due to its strong smell. Some experts suggest that they hate the smell because the mint oil is toxic to them. They avoid an area with a mint smell because they know it would be dangerous to go there. 

You can easily take advantage of this aversion to peppermint to repel any roaches from your home.

How to Use Peppermint Oil for Roaches

peppermint oil to repel roaches

You have a few options for using peppermint oil to repel roaches.

An easy way is to add about 10 to 15 drops of peppermint oil with about 3 cups of water in a spray bottle. Pure peppermint essential oil or other mint essential oils will work. You can then spray the mixture around your home.

For a similar solution, mix 1 cup of water with 1 cup of Listerine and add 3-4 drops of peppermint oil. Put this solution in a spray bottle and use it to repel roaches. Listerine adds to its effectiveness as it contains menthol.

Add a few drops of cheap olive oil if your peppermint essential oil doesn’t mix with the water. This will function as a carrier oil.

Or, you can soak cotton balls with peppermint oil and water. You can then place the cotton balls around your home.

Making the scent stronger will also increase the effectiveness of your repellent. For your peppermint oil spray, add 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water before adding the peppermint oil. 

When to Use Your Essential Oil Mixture

Whichever method you choose, you’ll need to reapply frequently. You need to keep the scent strong to keep driving away the bugs. Make sure to respray or rewet your cotton balls a few times a day.  

Cockroaches are primarily nocturnal. To prevent them from coming out at night, reapply the peppermint oil before bed.

You need to keep using the peppermint oil for a few days to ensure they are avoiding your home. Keep reapplying until the bugs have been gone for a few days. 

Where to Apply Peppermint Oil

You should apply your peppermint oil spray or cotton balls wherever you have seen cockroach activity. This may include your kitchen or bathrooms. 

If you see roaches in the kitchen, you may want to spray the walls and counters and around pipes and appliances. You may also want to put the wet cotton balls in cupboards and closets or along your walls, especially if there are roaches in your bathrooms.

It is important to note that because of the strong smell, you should not use peppermint oil in baits or traps. The purpose of baits is for the cockroaches to consume the bait and ingest it. Applying peppermint oil to the baits will cause roaches to avoid them, which you don’t want. Always use peppermint oil repellent and baits in different areas of your home.

You should also avoid spraying your solution on any wood or fabric that might get damaged by it. Also, be careful around electronics and outlets. Oil can be slippery. If you add a carrier oil, do not spray the solution on floors where you walk. Otherwise, they may become a slip hazard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Safety Concerns with Peppermint Oil?

Yes, there may be some safety concerns, though they are relatively small. Peppermint oil is a natural repellent and not as dangerous as other pesticides. 

However, always make sure to keep it away from children and animals. Children may become sick if they ingest any mint oil. Peppermint oil may be poisonous to pets.

In addition, some people experience certain side effects when using peppermint oil. If you experience any adverse reactions, avoid using the essential oil.

What Are the Benefits of Using Peppermint Oil to Repel Roaches?

There are a few benefits of using peppermint oil to repel roaches including its ease of use and price. It is very easy to use peppermint oil as a repellent. You simply need to mix a few ingredients and apply the mix around your home. There’s no need to wade through figuring out how to use more intense pest control chemicals safely. 

In addition, peppermint oil for roaches is inexpensive. You can create mixtures from easy-to-obtain ingredients that are relatively cheap. If you can avoid an infestation, you’ll save even more money.

Does Peppermint Oil Kill Cockroach Eggs?

Yes, peppermint oil kills cockroach eggs, but only if sprayed directly on the eggs. You will need to find the eggs, which are usually in the nest, and spray them with peppermint oil if you want to kill them. 

Usually, cockroach eggs are found where food is available. This might be in a dark corner, under a sink, near food or other clutter, or in holes in the walls.

Read More: What Does a Roach Nest Look Like? How to Find and Get Rid of One

Avoid Roaches in Your Home

Cockroaches are the bane of many people’s existence. Luckily, peppermint oil for roaches can be an effective way to prevent an infestation in your home. Create your mint oil solution and spray away to keep the cockroaches away!


  • Angela Newbold

    Angela Newbold left the world of blogging and has spent the last few years as a professional freelance writer. She is passionate about providing thoroughly researched, accurate information relevant to today's readers. Her clear, concise writing style offers in-depth information on various topics appreciated by busy people who may need more time to research for themselves. Her other passions include homeschooling her daughters, photographing nature, and volunteering in her community. Angela and her husband reside in the Midwest. Newbold Angela