Oriental vs. German Cockroaches: What Are the Differences?

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Hated by most homeowners, cockroaches are creepy, annoying pests that can survive without food and endure freezing temperatures.

Besides, these pests pose health threats to your loved ones. Regardless of the type of roach in your home, they all pick disease-causing germs with their legs as they crawl through sewers and decaying matter.

Roaches can trigger allergies and asthma since their droppings, saliva, and shed skin have allergens that can aggravate asthma attacks, especially in kids.

Thus, it is imperative to look for any signs of infestation and take immediate action if you find them in your home.

The two most common types of roaches found indoors are German and Oriental cockroaches. And while they can both carry germs, spread disease, and freak you out, there is a big difference in terms of characteristics, what they eat, their life span and cycle, behavior, and where they are found.

This guide will help you determine whether you are dealing with an Oriental or German cockroach invasion and some steps to take for cockroach elimination.

Oriental or Asian Cockroach

Despite its name, the Oriental cockroach, sometimes referred to as a water bug or black beetle, is thought to have originated from Africa or South Russia.

Asian cockroaches are also referred to as water bugs. This is because they tend to live in damp areas. 

Oriental cockroaches can get into your home through gaps, sewers, drains, and leaky pipes.

Read More: How To Get Rid of the Water Bug

Identifying the Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches (Blatta orientalis) display a shiny black or dark reddish-brown color. Additionally, the males and female adults are large but have different appearances.

The male Asian cockroach grows up to 25 mm and has shortened wings measuring three-quarters of its body length. As a result, the last part of its abdomen is visible.

On the other hand, the female Oriental cockroaches have no wings and can grow up to 32 mm in length. Instead of wings, they have large wing pads that house the first few sections of their body.

While both the male and female Asian cockroaches are large and appear almost similar, they cannot fly.

Egg capsules: You can see egg capsules during a severe Asian cockroach infestation. The oothecae can be 8 to 10 mm long and hold almost 16 eggs.

Smell: The Oriental cockroach has a strong, musty smell that instantly warns you of a full-blown infestation.

Asian Cockroach Behavior

Oriental cockroaches are common outdoors and can be found in warm, humid, and shaded areas near the ground or in natural garbage.

During warmer months, you might see Asian cockroaches near soggy gutters, near landscaping beds, and coming in and out of sewers.

When the sun is out, Asian cockroaches can be found gathering in dark, humid, and undisturbed areas. However, these roaches can also climb surfaces, especially near drain pipes.

In addition, the oriental cockroach feeds on garbage, dead decaying matter, and sewage. In the absence of these, the insects can eat literally anything else.

Oriental or Asian Cockroach Control and Prevention

When it comes to elimination and prevention, Oriental cockroaches can be a headache. This is because the female Asian cockroach deposits the egg capsules in cracks and crevices, which can be hard to treat.

Besides, the treatments might be degraded or removed by the time the eggs hatch. Luckily you can prevent an infestation.

Keep Asian cockroaches away from your home by:

  • Sealing crawl spaces
  • Installing door sweeps
  • Get rid of decaying leaves or organic matter from your doors and windows
  • Cap all your drain traps
  • Fix any plumbing leaks and ventilate all moist spaces in your home
  • Apply a chemical barrier around your home’s perimeter

German Cockroaches

german cockroach on leaf
Image: Ivan Radic

The German cockroach (Blattella germanica) is the most common type of cockroach all across the globe. Thus, it is not hard to find and identify.

While German roach infestation can occur in a home, most are associated with hotels, restaurants, nursing homes, and other established facilities.

Identifying German Cockroaches

The German roach is found near humans and cannot survive in areas away from them, the major restrictive factor being cold temperatures. Therefore, this species cannot colonize homes in cold seasons unless a heating system is in place.

That said, German cockroaches can be recognized by their light brown shade and two parallel stripes on the back of their head.


The female German roach carries the egg capsule and can be seen bulging from its posterior end.

The German roach deposits the egg capsule in a safe, warm, and humid location. However, in most cases, the eggs hatch from the egg cases while the German female still carries it.

The capsule is small and brown and looks like a tiny purse. It measures approximately 8mm in length, 3mm in height, and 2mm in width.


The German roach nymphs look like tiny wingless versions of the adult roach. They are dark brown to black and have two parallel stripes behind their head, running down the length of their bodies.


The adult German cockroaches can measure anywhere from 10 to 15 mm in length, are dark brown to black, and have two parallel stripes behind their head. They also have wings but are not strong fliers. Instead, they are excellent runners and can fly short distances.

German Cockroach Behavior

Like other species and pests, the German roach is attracted to any home that offers enough food, water, warm and humid environment.

They love to eat meat, sweet and greasy foods, and starches. These insects can hide in warm areas of your home, like under the sinks and appliances like refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers.

They can also hide around wirings and electronics, especially televisions and computers. These insects are wide but can squeeze into cracks and crevices around your home.

Signs of a German Roach Infestation

You will know that you have a full-blown German cockroach infestation when:

You See Them During the Day

All roaches are nocturnal, so spotting them running in your kitchen or floor means you have a serious roach problem.

Read More: How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in the Kitchen


German cockroaches usually leave behind feces where they nest. The droppings are small and brownish and resemble coffee grounds or black pepper.

Dead Roaches

Seeing a dead roach anywhere in your home means that there are more.

Foul Smell

In case of a German cockroach invasion, you will notice an oily or musty odor in your home.

Read More: How Do You Get Rid of the Cockroach Smell?

Egg Capsules

The female German cockroach carries the egg capsule on its back to a safe location or until the eggs hatch. After that, they can leave the egg cases where they nest, eat, or frequent.

Controlling and Preventing a German Cockroach Infestation

Uphold Cleanliness and Ventilate Humid Areas in Your Home

German cockroaches love dirt and moisture, so the best way to prevent them is by removing what keeps them in your home.

This roach type loves hanging around bathrooms and food preparation areas, so maintain cleanliness in these areas. 

Seal All Food Products

Most people habitually roll up their food product bags and keep them in their cabinets. However, German roaches will find their way into the bags and delight in them.

So, keep any food product in an airtight container away from the roaches.

Read More: Roach Diet & Eating Preferences

Keep Trash Away

German roaches love feeding on garbage. Thus, it is vital to ensure all the trash is taken out and that the trash cans are sealed tight to keep the pests away.

A dirty home can attract German cockroaches; however, roaches can be found even in clean homes. Therefore, ensure any leaky pipes are repaired, and the cracks and crevices are sealed, repaired, or caulked.

In addition, there are many things you can do to get rid of these pests. For example, you can bait them or use roach-killing essential oils and other smells they hate and get pest control in cases of a serious infestation.

Understand the Differences Between Oriental and German Cockroaches

The German and Oriental cockroaches are very resilient pests. They can survive many things and can escape any elimination tactic.

Besides, these insects can be resistant to some insecticides, which is why you need to work with a pest control professional. In the meantime, make sure your home is clean and secure from pests.





  • Brian White

    Brian White has been a freelance writer for the last few years and has worked for several online writing platforms, magazines, and newspapers. He delivers easily digestible content and has a solid understanding of how to skillfully break complicated content into easily understandable material, even to the average Internet reader. Outside work, Brian enjoys playing Chess online, tinkering with his garden tractors, and binge-watching Netflix shows with his lovely wife. Brian and his wife reside in South California.

    https://pestplaybook.com/author/brian-white/ White Brian