Do Moth Balls for Roaches Work? Find Out If They Repel Them

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When removing cockroaches in your home, you research hours upon hours! Unfortunately, nothing you do seems to work, so you want to try a different alternative: mothballs.

Mothballs are a pesticide good at getting rid of pesky insects like moths, silverfish, and other pests. However, do mothballs repel roaches, and what can you do about it? Let’s talk about it.

This article will discuss multiple things about dealing with cockroaches and mothballs. For example, we will see if mothballs keep cockroaches away from your home, if they kill these insects, and the best ways to use them.

If you are trying to use this method, it is essential to know what to do to ensure you receive the best results possible! Continue reading for more, especially if you have a roach infestation.

Do Mothballs Keep Roaches Away From Your Home?

Yes, mothballs keep roaches away from your home. Mothballs repel cockroaches because they contain naphthalene, an organic compound that creates a powerful smell that is great at repelling roaches and other bugs. However, when cockroaches approach mothballs, their respiratory system gets blocked by the organic components inside, making it extremely difficult for them to breathe.

Cockroaches cannot bear the mothball smell, so they will stay away from it. Because of this, it is essential to place mothballs where there is the most cockroach activity, which we will review in a minute.

Can Mothballs Kill Roaches?

mothballs kill roaches
Image: Stebbing

Yes, mothballs can kill roaches, but this is a rare occurrence. This is because mothballs make cockroaches unable to breathe, and the smell is unbearable. However, although mothballs kill cockroaches, that does not necessarily mean eliminating them within your home is the most effective way.

The Best Way to Use Mothballs to Repel Roaches

mothballs under sink to prevent roaches
Image: Wonderlane

The best way to use mothballs to repel roaches is to drop a few behind large appliances, like the stove or refrigerator. Because these are hot spots for roaches to be in due to the warmth they provide, cockroaches will want to disperse elsewhere due to their smell.

Placing mothballs inside cabinets or under the sink is another option. Make sure to keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Are Mothballs Safe to Use Around People and Animals?

mothballs are not safe to use around people
Image: Jose Navarro

No, mothballs are not safe to use around people and animals. This is because of the toxic fumes mothballs provide (naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene). These chemicals are made into a solid at room temperature but slowly fade into a gas and become a fume in the air.

Another thing to keep in mind is children and pets often mistake mothballs for candy. As a result, it might cause serious side effects.

Some health concerns include the following:

  • Nose and eye irritation
  • Coughing
  • Headaches
  • Nausea

On top of this, if exposed to naphthalene, you can develop more severe side effects like hemolytic anemia and liver and kidney damage.

Keeping their pungent smell away from you, your family, and household pests is extremely important. Make sure to keep them far away from food preparation areas as well. Unfortunately, if you have a relatively small home and do not have a lot of space, mothballs might not be the remedy to eliminate these vile creatures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do People Put Mothballs Around Their Home?

People put mothballs around their homes because they kill a lot of insects. But, as mentioned above, they kill adult moths, silverfish, and other cloth insects.

Also, mothballs kill moth larvae, which eat through natural fiber clothing, especially winter clothes that are not commonly touched. Although mothballs are effective at removing pests inside your home, they are not an effective deterrent outside your home.

Why Should You Get Rid of Cockroaches?

You should get rid of cockroaches because they ruin furniture and electronics and harm your health. For example, German cockroaches will infest electronic devices like game consoles, microwaves, and TVs. However, cockroaches are known to infest couches and chairs as well.

It would be best to eliminate cockroaches from your home because they can carry sicknesses and diseases like E. coli, leprosy, and salmonella. This is because they eat feces and other dead animals and bugs.

Afterward, they will get near your food storage and preparation areas and cause those diseases to come to you. Plus, we are constantly touching our countertops, making it even worse.

What Is the Best Thing to Get Rid of Roaches Fast?

The best thing to get rid of roaches fast is boric acid, a pesticide, or baking soda, a natural and affordable way. Mix boric acid or baking soda with sugar and create bait stations for these pests.

Afterward, the cockroach will share it with their colony, causing more to die. These are fast-acting ways to eliminate these pests from your home, especially if you have a cockroach infestation.

Natural remedies include diatomaceous earth, certain essential oils, and bay leaves. However, not all natural remedies kill these insects.

Another thing you should do is seal any entry points that these unwanted guests may get in through. For example, if they are squeezing through a small hole under your window or doorway, make sure to get that fixed.

You also want to ensure you are keeping your home clean too. For example, use airtight containers to store food and clean your kitchen.

How Do I Get Rid of Roaches Permanently?

You get rid of roaches permanently by contacting a pest control company like Orkin or Terminix. A professional exterminator sprays around your home’s perimeter, checks underneath appliances, and places bait stations around your home.

Although there might be more cockroach activity in the first few days, they will essentially take whatever bait the professionals put out, and eventually, the colony will die. Plus, professionals have specific equipment you may not have, making it more effective than doing it yourself.

Still, if you are incredibly determined to make this work, you might be the most effective way to eliminate these pests. However, you will need multiple baits, pesticides, and natural remedies to ensure they leave your home quickly!


  • Angela Newbold

    Angela Newbold left the world of blogging and has spent the last few years as a professional freelance writer. She is passionate about providing thoroughly researched, accurate information relevant to today's readers. Her clear, concise writing style offers in-depth information on various topics appreciated by busy people who may need more time to research for themselves. Her other passions include homeschooling her daughters, photographing nature, and volunteering in her community. Angela and her husband reside in the Midwest. Newbold Angela