How to Make Homemade Roach Traps: Best DIY Methods to Use

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The battle against invasive roaches can be daunting and expensive, especially when your primary weapon is store-bought products for killing roaches, some of which are toxic and threaten your health, children, and pets.

Homemade cockroach traps may be a better solution, equally effective, and cheaper than a store-bought cockroach trap, as most of these roach traps require items you already have around the house, like duct tape, essential oils, bottles, and paper towels.

In this article, you will learn about the best homemade cockroach traps, why they are the best choice for getting rid of a cockroach infestation, and how to make your roach trap.

Types of Roach Traps

Traps are a reliable way of identifying nests and breeding areas of roaches, the size of the roach infestations, and the roach species. There are various types of homemade cockroach traps, such as mechanical, sticky traps, and bait traps. Below are the types of traps you can choose from.

Duct Tape and Bait

Duct tape cockroach trap is a cheap homemade cockroach trap made effective by adding bait; it is effective on all types of cockroaches, including the German cockroach.

To make this duct tape trap, cut a long strip of duct tape, with the sticky part facing up, and spread the cockroach bait near the center (peanut butter is a great choice). The bait will attract the hungry roaches that will walk on the tape and get stuck while walking toward the bait. You can place the baited duct tape along a wall, close to cracks and crevices, in the kitchen pantry, or in any other areas you notice roaches.

Read More: What Do Cockroaches Eat? Their Favorite Foods

Homemade Mechanical Cockroach Traps

Mechanical traps use jars or containers, a food lure, and a substance to make the trap walls sticky or slippery, preventing the roaches from escaping. Examples include:

Jar and Petroleum Jelly Roach Trap

effective petroleum jelly for roach trap

You can make a simple homemade cockroach trap using a jar and petroleum jelly. For this jar trap, you will need a jar with a short neck and bait.

Smear petroleum jelly on the inside walls, then add strong cockroach bait at the bottom. The roaches will enter the jar to get the bait and cannot crawl out as the walls are sticky due to the petroleum jelly. The roaches will eventually die inside.

Beer Bottle and Oil

Alternatively, you can use your empty beer or tall bottle to trap roaches; you will only need to spread some oil around the inside walls of the beer bottle.

The sweet smell of beer will attract the roaches that will enter the bottle and cannot climb out because the walls are slippery.

Diatomaceous Earth

diatomaceous earth mixture to kill roaches

Diatomaceous earth is another cheap, safe, and easy-to-use homemade cockroach trap.

Diatomaceous earth is a fine powder of fossilized algae skeletons known as diatoms made of crystallized silica. The silica looks like tiny shards of glass that cut into the exoskeleton of roaches, causing them to dehydrate and die. Food-grade diatomaceous earth is the type used as an insecticide. It has low levels of crystalline silica, making it safe for humans and deadly for pests.

To make this trap, mix equal parts sugar, preferably powdered sugar, and diatomaceous earth to kill roaches.. Use a spoon to sprinkle a thin layer of this mixture around areas with roach activity; the roaches will walk over this bait and get into contact with it.

Ensure not to use too much because the roaches might avoid areas with this powder instead of walking on it.

Roach Cookies

person making roach cookies

Roach cookies are a yummy and deadly dessert for the roaches! They use boric acid, which is highly toxic to roaches.

For this homemade roach bait, you will need 1 part sugar, 1 part flour, three parts boric acid, also known as hydrogen borate, and enough milk to wet the mixture.

Mix the ingredients to form a dough; use your gloves while handling this mixture, as too much hydrogen borate may cause skin irritation. Roll out this dough into sizeable shapes and place them on wax paper, leaving them to air dry.

Place the dried cookies under the fridge, cabinet, sink areas, and areas with signs of roaches, away from children and pets. The sugar and flour attract the roaches while the hydrogen borate kills them. Always ensure to clean your work area after use.

Boric Acid and Peanut Butter

butter and boric acid powder mixture for roach prevention
Image: Alex Headrick

Combining boric acid and peanut butter is an excellent homemade roach trap. Peanut butter has fats and proteins, and roaches love those, making it the perfect lure for this trap. Mix boric acid with ½ cup peanut butter; the roaches will eat the poisoned bait and die.

Alternatively, place small bits of peanut butter along areas with roaches or roach activity, and sprinkle boric acid around the peanut butter. The acid sticks to their legs as they walk over the treated surfaces; they ingest the powder and die.

How to Use Roach Traps Effectively

conventinal roach trap for roaches
Image: Alex Headrick

To effectively eliminate roaches using traps, place the traps in areas where you have seen or suspect there are roaches. Then, use bait traps that attract the roaches. Common baits include peanut butter, sugar, cooking oil, or food pieces.

If you are dealing with a bigger roach problem, you may be required to use multiple traps. Place all the traps at the same time for faster results.

Check traps a few days after placement to see progress, replace full traps, and dispose of the dead roaches in sealed garbage bags. Move any roach killer that hasn’t caught any roaches to areas where roaches are being caught. Additionally, don’t walk on glue traps once your set them.

During this period, maintain a clean home, clean up spilled food, empty the garbage bin, and eliminate excess moisture. These make your home less inviting to the roaches enabling you to deal effectively with the infestation at hand.

By following these simple guidelines, you can safely and effectively use roach traps to get rid of a roach infestation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Kills Roaches Immediately?

Boric acid kills roaches immediately. This is one of the fastest ways of killing roaches. The powder is fast acting as it interrupts the roaches’ digestive system causing death.

Read More: Cockroach Home Remedy Guide

Are Roaches Drawn to Duct Tape?

Yes, roaches are drawn to duct tape as long the tape contains attractive bait like sugar, honey, or food crumbs.

What Draws Roaches Out?

Roaches are drawn out when you eliminate the things that attract them to your home, as they will move to new places in search of the same. Leftover food, garbage, pet food, clutter, and excess moisture are all things that can lead to a roach infestation.


  • Brian White

    Brian White has been a freelance writer for the last few years and has worked for several online writing platforms, magazines, and newspapers. He delivers easily digestible content and has a solid understanding of how to skillfully break complicated content into easily understandable material, even to the average Internet reader. Outside work, Brian enjoys playing Chess online, tinkering with his garden tractors, and binge-watching Netflix shows with his lovely wife. Brian and his wife reside in South California. White Brian