Eucalyptus Oil for Roaches: How to Use It to Repel Them

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There’s nothing that homeowners hate more than dealing with a cockroach problem in their homes. This is because these pests spread bacteria and germs as they move around.

Killing roaches isn’t a simple task because they’re nocturnal and move swiftly into their hiding place when you spot them. So as soon as you notice them in your home, take measures to control roaches before they multiply.

Roaches have a reputation for living anywhere and consuming almost anything, but one of the things they can’t stand is the smell of essential oils. If you have taken different preventative measures that haven’t worked, this guide will help you learn how eucalyptus oil can help eliminate them.

How Does Eucalyptus Oil Repel Roaches?

eucalyptus oil repels roaches

Eucalyptus oil repels roaches due to its strong, fresh fragrance that can alarm or confuse the roaches. Mixing the eucalyptus oil with water and spraying it around their hiding areas will repel them.

How to Use Eucalyptus Oil to Repel Roaches

prepare the eucalyptus oil spray

To ensure that you effectively deal with your cockroach problem, you must know how to prepare the eucalyptus oil spray properly. If the mixture is under-diluted, it won’t address the roach problem effectively.

Here are a few crucial steps to follow during the preparation:

  • Put tap water in your spray bottle until it’s ¾ full.
  • Add about 20 drops of eucalyptus oil to help dilute the mixture.
  • Go ahead and spray it in the areas you believe coaches could be hiding, such as under the bed, window sills, back of kitchen appliances, etc.

You should know that eucalyptus oil isn’t harmful to pets and humans. So even if you accidentally spray it on your food, it won’t cause any problems. However, studies show that exposure to large eucalyptus oil doses can cause adverse effects in humans.

Mixing the Oil With Vinegar and Water

Start by adding a mixture of water and vinegar (in a ratio of 2:1) into a spray bottle and add about twenty drops of eucalyptus oil. Then shake it well. Besides the smell of eucalyptus, roaches also hate the smell of vinegar.

If you haven’t had any luck eliminating roaches with only eucalyptus oil and water, this recipe can effectively eliminate these pesky bugs.

While the steps mentioned above can help you effectively address your cockroach problem, there are different things you have to know before preparing and using this mixture.

When purchasing eucalyptus oil, ensure that you get one that is 100% pure. This is the only way to ensure you won’t over-dilute the oil when you mix it with water. You should also know that eucalyptus oil and water don’t mix easily. So, shake the bottle well before spraying the mixture around your house.

Read More: How to Get Rid of Cockroaches Overnight with Fast Home Remedies

Soaking Cotton Balls in Eucalyptus Oil

soaking cotton pad

If you don’t want to spray the mixture of eucalyptus oil, water, and vinegar in your home, another option worth considering is the use of cotton balls. You’ll first need to dip the cotton balls inside eucalyptus oil and then wring out any excess oil.

Once this is done, place the cotton balls in areas where the roaches gather, like crevices and cracks or behind kitchen cabinets. Remember that you should replace the balls as soon as the eucalyptus smell starts to subside.

Depending on the size of your house and the level of the cockroach infestation, it may take up to seven days before you can change them.

Read More: How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in the Kitchen

Does Eucalyptus Oil Kill Roaches?

eucalyptus oil is lethal to cockroaches

Yes, eucalyptus oil kills roaches.

Eucalyptus oil is lethal to cockroaches and is an excellent natural way to eliminate them. Besides being effective against many types of roaches, eucalyptus oil’s effect lasts longer than most essential oils.

All you have to do is mix a small amount of essential oil in your spray bottle and spread it in areas around your home where roaches hide. They will die as soon as they move from their hideout and touch the mixture.

Once you have killed all the roaches in your home, there are different things you can do to ensure that they don’t come back.

Deep Clean Your Home

After eliminating all the roaches, ensure that you properly clean your house, especially where roaches hide, like inside the furniture, appliances or electronics, and carpets.

Disinfect the Area

disinfect area

After you’re done with cleaning, the next step is to disinfect everything. You will need to make a eucalyptus disinfectant spray, pour it around the affected areas, then dry it. It’s also advisable to wipe the surfaces such as countertops and cabinets with an essential oil mixture every night.

Seal Off Any Cracks

There are many ways that cockroaches can enter your home, including through cracks in the walls or opening around doors and windows. Therefore, ensure you seal them off to prevent roaches from entering your home.

Can Eucalyptus Oil for Roaches Kill the Eggs?

excellent natural way to kill roaches

Yes, eucalyptus oil for roaches can kill the eggs, but you need to apply the oil mixture directly to the eggs.

Eucalyptus oil could be an excellent natural way to kill roaches, but it won’t help you eliminate the eggs when you only spritz the mixture around your house.

That said, the oil should touch the nymphs and eggs.

Read More: What Does a Pregnant Cockroach Look Like?

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Eucalyptus Oil Repel Roaches?

Yes, eucalyptus oil will repel roaches. It has a strong, fresh smell that is pleasing to humans but deadly against cockroaches.

If you want the mixture to repel the roaches, you should mix a few drops of the oil with water and spray it in cockroaches infested areas. You could also dip cotton balls in the oil and place them near their hideout.

Read More: More Home Remedies To Use For Roaches

What Essential Oils Can Repel Roaches?

Essential oils that can repel roaches include peppermint oil, rosemary, and cedar oil. Besides repelling them, they can kill eggs and young cockroaches when they come into contact with essential oils.

Read More: Natural Roach Repellent: Use Smells They Hate to Keep Them Away

Do Roaches Like the Smell of Eucalyptus Oil?

No, roaches don’t like the smell of eucalyptus oil. In fact, the smell is strong that it repels them.


  • Brian White

    Brian White has been a freelance writer for the last few years and has worked for several online writing platforms, magazines, and newspapers. He delivers easily digestible content and has a solid understanding of how to skillfully break complicated content into easily understandable material, even to the average Internet reader. Outside work, Brian enjoys playing Chess online, tinkering with his garden tractors, and binge-watching Netflix shows with his lovely wife. Brian and his wife reside in South California. White Brian