Does Cinnamon Repel Roaches? Do They Like or Hate It?

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Cockroaches are common pests that invade homes. They are fast and can fit into almost all cracks and crevices in most homes. Besides, these insects don’t live alone; they are social creatures that congregate in colonies, and once they invade your home, they can be tough to eliminate. This is why you must prevent them from entering your home.

Roaches have a remarkable sense of smell, which they use to find food. So, you can take advantage of this and use scents to keep them at bay. Cinnamon, for example, has a unique scent that deters roaches and other pests.

So, keep reading to learn how cinnamon repels roaches, the benefits of using cinnamon to repel roaches, how to use cinnamon effectively and other alternatives you can use to repel roaches.

How Cinnamon Repels Roaches

Cinnamon does various things to roaches. For example, roaches use their sense of smell to find food and travel in groups. So, cinnamon works by masking the smell of food and cockroach pheromones, preventing them from entering your home. In addition, the strong smell of cinnamon overwhelms them and makes them escape any area treated with cinnamon.

Apart from confusing roaches, cinnamon scents affect their movements. This effect is attributed to a compound in cinnamon called Eugenol.  

Benefits of Using Cinnamon to Keep Roaches Away

using cinnamon to keep roaches away

There are various benefits of using cinnamon to repel roaches. For example, it is a natural and non-hazardous way to keep these pesky pests away. Additionally, it has a pleasant smell, making it excellent for indoor use.

Moreover, cinnamon is cost-effective and readily available. You can find it in your local grocery store or online. Also, cinnamon is an eco-friendly way of keeping cockroaches at bay if you have kids or pets.

How to Use Cinnamon to Repel Cockroaches

There are various ways to repel roaches using cinnamon. For example, you can use ground cinnamon, cinnamon essential oils, or mix cinnamon with other herbs or spices.

Using Powdered Cinnamon

use cinnamon powder to keep roaches away

You can buy cinnamon powder at your local grocery store or grind cinnamon sticks to make your own powder. To use this form of cinnamon to repel cockroaches, sprinkle the powder along entry points, near windows and doors, and in areas that attract roaches.

Additionally, you can spread the cinnamon powder in cabinets, bathrooms, and anywhere with high cockroach activity in your home. Cinnamon powder interferes with cockroach traction and makes it hard for roaches to walk on treated areas.

Use Cinnamon Sticks

cinnamon sticks repels roaches

You can also use dry cinnamon sticks to keep roaches at bay. All you need to do is place the cinnamon sticks in your pantry and other areas where you keep your food items. This will mask the smell of food and keep roaches away.

Use Cinnamon Essential Oil

use cinnamon essential oil to get rid roaches away

Using cinnamon oil is one of the best ways to keep roaches away from your home. You can make your own roach repellent by mixing the cinnamon essential oil with water.

You will need the following:

  • 15-20 drops of cinnamon essential oil
  • Tap water
  • Spray bottle


  1. Fill the spray bottle three-quarters full with tap water.
  2. Add at least 15 drops of cinnamon oil and shake the mixture.
  3. Spray the solution in areas you want to repel roaches, like your pantry, and in all entry points, like cracks and crevices, window sills, and door frames.

Alternatively, you can soak cotton balls in the cinnamon solution and place them around your home, especially at entry points.

Mix Cinnamon With Other Herbs or Spices

mix cinnamon with herbs and spices to repel roaches

One downside of using cinnamon to repel roaches is that it has a small reach. This means that it keeps roaches away only a few feet. Therefore, you should consider making cinnamon more effective in repelling roaches by mixing it with other essential oils and herbs.

For example, you can mix cinnamon with:

Mixing cinnamon oil with other potent oils will make a powerful roach-repellent. So, consider mixing any of the above herb’s essential oils with cinnamon essential oil and spray the mixture in entry points and areas you want to keep roaches away from.

Alternatively, you can mix cinnamon powder with these herbs in their powdered forms and sprinkle the mixture in cockroach entry points ad anywhere you have seen roaches.

What Other Pests Does Cinnamon Repel?

cinnamon repels other insect
Image: slgckgc

Other pests that cinnamon repels are:

  • Flies
  • Ants
  • Spiders
  • Fleas
  • Bed bugs
  • Bees
  • Fruit flies
  • Mice
  • Wasps
  • Lice
  • Ticks
  • Mosquitoes
  • Rats

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Roaches Like the Smell of Cinnamon?

No, roaches don’t like the smell of cinnamon.

Cinnamon has eugenol, which is beneficial in deterring them. However, this chemical also interferes with their movement, further confusing them. That said, roaches will avoid areas treated with cinnamon at all costs.

What Spices Do Cockroaches Hate?

Cockroaches hate spices including garlic, onion powder, cayenne, thyme, and basil. All these spices have flavors and unique compounds that can overpower and confuse cockroaches. As a result, roaches will avoid areas treated with spices.

What Smells Repel Cockroaches?

Smells that repel cockroaches are citrus, minty, and spicy scents. That said, you can use peppermint, cypress, citrus, and cedarwood oils to keep roaches away from your home.  

Does Cinnamon Repel Bedbugs?

Yes, cinnamon repels bedbugs and other insect pests.

Does Cinnamon Kill Cockroaches?

No, cinnamon does not kill cockroaches. However, cinnamon can kill cockroaches by suffocation when mixed with other potent essential oils like peppermint.


  • Brian White

    Brian White has been a freelance writer for the last few years and has worked for several online writing platforms, magazines, and newspapers. He delivers easily digestible content and has a solid understanding of how to skillfully break complicated content into easily understandable material, even to the average Internet reader. Outside work, Brian enjoys playing Chess online, tinkering with his garden tractors, and binge-watching Netflix shows with his lovely wife. Brian and his wife reside in South California. White Brian