Do Roaches Like the Cold? Can They Survive the Weather?

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Cockroaches are hardy pests that can survive most things, even an extermination attempt. These pesky pests can eat anything to survive and search for anything anywhere. That said, cockroaches can thrive in the harshest conditions, and once they invade your home, they can prove pretty hard to eliminate. 

Usually these creatures usually seek warm areas. So where do they go when the temperatures outside get colder or freezing?

Keep reading to learn more about the temperatures preferred by cockroaches, the effects of cold temperatures on roaches, and what they do to survive the cold temperatures. You’ll also learn how to eliminate and keep roaches from infesting your home during winter.

What Temperatures Do Roaches Like?

Roaches like temperatures usually between 59-95℉. They usually move into homes in search of warmth, food and moisture. That said, if the temperatures outside fall below 77℉, some species will likely move and search for a more favorable area.

In addition, roaches are cold-blooded creatures. This means the only way to control their body heat is by taking in heat from their surrounding.

When the temperatures are freezing, people usually adjust their indoor temperatures. While this will make them comfier, it also invites cockroaches into their living spaces, providing them the ideal temperature to thrive and breed.

Below are the common cockroach species and the temperatures they prefer:

How Does Cold Weather Affect Cockroaches?

cold weather affects cockroaches
Image: Larah McElroy

Cold weather affects cockroaches by making it harder for them to survive. For example, they might die if it gets too cold.

Cockroaches are cold-blooded, and while they are resilient and can adapt to various conditions, they cannot survive freezing temperatures. As a result, most roach species will die when the temperatures fall below the freezing point.

That said, peridomestic cockroaches like the American cockroach and the Oriental cockroach won’t survive the cold outside during winter. However, it is crucial to note that these pests respond mentally to dropping temperatures. Therefore, they might adapt to the dropping temperatures with time, increasing their survival chances.

How Do Cockroaches Survive the Cold Winter Weather?

cockroaches survive the cold winter weather
Image: Domas Mituzas

Cockroaches survive the cold winter weather by seeking warmth inside warm places like homes and other buildings. These areas provide them with everything they need to thrive: food, moisture and heat. You can find cockroaches waiting out the cold weather in the following areas of your home.

HVAC System

Apart from providing an excellent entry point, your air vents are a perfect hideout for cockroaches during winter. Also, roaches are nocturnal insects, so the AC vents attract them because it is dark and secluded. Similarly, these vents give roaches a freeway around the house in total darkness. Moreover, during the cold winter months, when the temperatures drop, the air vents become one of the best spots for roaches in your house due to the heat.


The brown banded cockroach, as well as other species, can easily survive the cold weather by hiding inside kitchen cabinets high off the ground. Besides, they can hide near heat-generating appliances and electric motors. So you can find them inside your microwave, toasters, and even refrigerator motors.


The chimney is one of the most overlooked parts of most homes. However, it can be a resourceful place for insects during cold weather. So, before you load up the firewood, remember that the fireplace and chimney can harbor cockroaches, especially smoky brown roaches.


The basement is usually the moistest part of any home. Therefore, German cockroaches, Oriental cockroaches, and other roach species can find it attractive and settle to overwinter there.

Read More: How to Get Rid of Roaches In Your Basement

Rafters and Walls

German roaches are a common roach species that can stay inside walls to prevent winter weather. They can live the whole winter breeding and developing inside the rafters of your home.

In addition, cockroaches can hide in nooks and crannies in walls during cold weather. Moreover, they can hide far enough inside to stay among the drywall or near insulation to stay warm.

Decaying Trees

During the cold months, roaches can hide inside rotting trees or tree stumps. Tree stumps and decaying trees usually protect them from wind, rain, and cold weather.

While most cockroach species enter homes to escape winter, some stay outside and enter a hibernation called diapause. During this state, their metabolism and growth slow down.

Do Cockroaches Die in Winter?

Yes, cockroaches die in winter sometimes.

This is especially true if temperatures drop below 15℉. Therefore, to avoid this freezing temperature, roaches seek warm areas, preferably inside homes and other buildings.

Additionally, freezing temperatures only kill roaches that lack time to acclimate. During this time, they cannot maintain the body temperatures necessary for metabolism and respiration. As a result, their spiracles freeze, and they stop breathing and die eventually.

Can Cold Temperatures Kill Cockroach Eggs?

cold temperatures can kill cockroach eggs
Image: Jean and Fred Hort

Yes, cold temperatures can kill cockroach eggs. However, this will need prolonged exposure to extremely low temperatures to occur. Therefore, if you want to kill roach eggs using cold, take infested items like appliances and furniture in an open space like a garage and leave them there for some days.

Alternatively, you can take items you think have cockroach eggs, like cardboard boxes and put them inside a freezer.

Will Cockroaches Leave a Freezing Home?

cockroaches will leave a freezing home
Image: Daniel X. O’Neil

Yes, cockroaches will leave a freezing home. These little creatures hate cold weather, so if your home is freezing, they will leave in search of a warmer area. While they might not find another home, they will stay far enough in cracks and crevices that provide them adequate warmth to stay alive.

Besides, some cockroach species can tolerate lower temperatures and even adapt to cold temperatures. As long as they have their basic needs met, they will enter a hibernation-like state until the cold weather passes. Also, roaches tend to stay in colonies to keep each other warm.  

How to Keep Roaches Away During Winter

seal all possible points where cockroaches enter your home
Image: Ian Jacobs

Cockroaches are rare to see during winter. So, if you see any in your kitchen or bathroom, there is a colony overwintering in your home. This colony will re-emerge when the temperatures become ideal for them.

That said, the best way to avoid a cockroach infestation is to prevent them from getting into your home in the first place. The following are some tips to try.

  • Maintain a clean home
  • Store food in airtight containers
  • Seal all possible points where cockroaches enter your home
  • Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the kitchen sink overnight
  • Don’t leave pet food and other food scraps uncovered
  • Take out the trash regularly
  • Declutter your home
  • Get a pest control professional to eliminate cockroach infestations

Frequently Asked Questions

What Temperatures Kill Cockroaches?

Extraordinarily high or freezing temperatures kill cockroaches, especially if they have no time to acclimate.

What Time of the Year Are Cockroaches Most Active?

The time of the year when cockroaches are most active is in the spring and summer months. However, roaches can remain active all year round as long as the temperatures are above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • Brian White

    Brian White has been a freelance writer for the last few years and has worked for several online writing platforms, magazines, and newspapers. He delivers easily digestible content and has a solid understanding of how to skillfully break complicated content into easily understandable material, even to the average Internet reader. Outside work, Brian enjoys playing Chess online, tinkering with his garden tractors, and binge-watching Netflix shows with his lovely wife. Brian and his wife reside in South California. White Brian