Do Roaches Like Onions? Can You Use Them as a Repellent?

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When attempting to eliminate some filthy cockroaches in your home, you might wonder what makes these pests disappear. Unfortunately, if you have a cockroach infestation, it gets even worse!

Still, these pesky creatures find almost anything appealing, including foods that humans wouldn’t even dream of eating. In that case, it might make you wonder: do roaches like onions? Let’s find out.

Yes, roaches eat onions, especially since they love eating almost anything, including greasy foods, rotting fruits, and other food sources. However, the good news is you can create a bait using onions and watch the magic happen, which we will go over below.

This article discusses if cockroaches if onions attract cockroaches to your home and how you use onions to eliminate these pests. If your home has a cockroach problem, you will want to keep reading!

Do Onions Repel Cockroaches?

No, onions do not repel cockroaches. If you wish to find something that repels cockroaches instantly, use other strong scents they hate, like a few garlic cloves, bay leaves, citrus, and peppermint oil.

Many smells repel cockroaches, so make sure to find those alternatives before attempting something that might not work.

Do Onions Attract Cockroaches?

onions to avoid cockroaches at home

Yes, onions attract cockroaches to your home. Cockroaches love onions, especially since they eat almost anything. In that case, can you make an onion bait that naturally kills roaches? Yes, you can.

Make an Onion Spray to Kill Roaches

onion spray to kill roaches

Onions get rid of cockroaches by making an effective cockroach killer. Here are the steps on how to create it:

Step 1: Cut an Onion

Cut an onion in half, then grate it into a bowl. You only need a little to ensure this works.

Step 2: Baking Soda or Baking Powder

Next, put 2 spoons of baking soda or baking powder inside the bowl.

Step 3: Lemon Juice

Afterward, squeeze a few lemon drops inside the bowl. Thoroughly mix it up until it looks cream-colored (or tan).

Step 4: Adding Water

Add a cup full of water to the mixture and mix thoroughly again. Once complete, strain the blend and put it in a spray bottle. Doing so ensures the onion peels and lemon seeds stay out of the spray bottle.

Step 5: Spray Away

Once finished making your concoction, spray in areas cockroaches are most likely going. The baking soda kills cockroaches relatively quickly; you will be surprised at how many are gone by this mixture!

Create Baiting Stations with Onions

baiting station that eliminates roaches

You can also make a baiting station that eliminates roaches with boric acid and onions, with the onion being the lure. Boric acid kills roaches instantly, so putting them with decaying onions would be an excellent lure! 

Here are the ingredients you will need:

  • One medium-sized onion (dried onion flakes soaked in water overnight is also acceptable.)
  • 200 grams of boric acid
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1/4 tsp of salt
  • 7 tbsp of milk

Step 1: Chop the Onions

Chop the onions in a grater and place them in a bowl. If you are using dehydrated onions, make sure to hydrate the flakes first. 

Step 2: Mix It Up

Afterward, mix all ingredients in a small bowl and add the milk until it becomes a dough-like substance. Then, roll the dough into quarter-inch balls and set them on a wax cookie sheet to dry. 

Step 3: Put the Dough in Bottle Caps

Lastly, place the balls inside bottle caps behind kitchen appliances, dishwashers, toilets, and inside cabinets. Put them near holes roaches come in and out of as well. The roaches will take the bait and carry it back to their colony, poisoning the insects you cannot reach. 

What Food Is Irresistible to Cockroaches?

cockroaches eat food crumbs

The food that is most irresistible to cockroaches is starchy foods, sugar, meat, cheese, grease, and other foods that give off a pungent smell. Cockroaches are not picky eaters, so whether you have food crumbs on the floor or pet food lying around, they will get into it and have a feast.

Other disgusting things that attract cockroaches are dead animals and animal feces. They will also eat dead roaches and other bugs. Because of this, cockroaches carry unwanted diseases, which is why getting rid of them ASAP is so important.

In that case, it is essential to keep your house clean. For example, do the dirty dishes, vacuum your home, and sweep regularly. Make sure to wipe down countertops and seal any open snack bags.

How Can Roaches Eat So Many Disgusting Things?

Roaches eat so many disgusting things because they help break down organic matter. For example, if an animal dies in the wild, they eat the rotting flesh. In return, it produces rich nutrients in the soil.

Although roaches have beneficial purposes outdoors, they have no business inside your home. Unfortunately, because they adapt to almost any place, they will thrive in your home if they become a big enough problem.

What Food Kills Roaches Instantly?

baking soda keeps roaches away

The food that kills roaches instantly is baking soda. Combing baking soda and onions to set up baiting stations is an excellent way to keep roaches away. You can also use sugar in these baits. They will be lured in by the sugar and killed by the baking soda.

After a day or so, their stomachs will explode, causing them to die. This method is highly effective, but you might have more to clean up than any other roach killer.

Final Thoughts

To summarize everything, an onion attracts cockroaches, and they will gladly eat them if given a chance. This makes creating a bait system with onions is an inexpensive way to eliminate them. We wish you good luck finding the best solution to keeping cockroaches away from your home!


  • Angela Newbold

    Angela Newbold left the world of blogging and has spent the last few years as a professional freelance writer. She is passionate about providing thoroughly researched, accurate information relevant to today's readers. Her clear, concise writing style offers in-depth information on various topics appreciated by busy people who may need more time to research for themselves. Her other passions include homeschooling her daughters, photographing nature, and volunteering in her community. Angela and her husband reside in the Midwest. Newbold Angela