Do Dryer Sheets Repel Roaches? Which Ones to Use

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Cockroaches are one of the most annoying pests that invade our homes. If you are dealing with a cockroach infestation, you know how difficult it is to eliminate these pesky bugs. There are numerous methods of controlling roaches, ranging from sprays, baits, and traps, to professional extermination.

Some DIY methods have been proven effective in eliminating cockroaches; one simple home remedy that has gained popularity in recent years is using dryer sheets. Some people claim that using these sheets can help repel roaches.

But do dryer sheets really work as roach repellent? This article will explore whether dryer sheets can repel roaches, how they work, and whether they can deter other insects.

What Are Dryer Sheets?

Dryer sheets are thin sheets made of polyester fabric coated with a layer of chemicals; they are usually added to laundry during wash time. The chemicals in the sheets serve various purposes, such as reducing static cling, capturing pesky lint, helping to prevent stubborn stains, and softening clothes during the drying cycle. They also leave a pleasant scent on the clothes, making them smell fresh and clean.

These sheets are made of three main components. The outer layer is often made of non-woven polyester, which helps absorb static electricity. Inside is a layer of fabric softener that softens your clothes, helps prevent stains, and reduces wrinkling.

Additionally, the sheet has a layer of signature scent from their component chemical ingredients. Depending on the intended use, they may be treated with a range of chemicals; Linalool is a common ingredient in these sheets.

How Dryer Sheets Repel Cockroaches

dryer sheets repel roaches
Image: Michelle Ress

According to Kansas State University, some dryer sheets have a chemical called linalool, a spicy terpene, which is a natural pesticide found in plants like basil and lavender, which deter common garden pests. Linalool is known to repel cockroaches and is an active ingredient in many natural insect repellents.

When dryer sheets are placed around the home, the scent of linalool spreads throughout the house, creating an unpleasant environment for roaches.

Although dryer sheets won’t kill cockroaches, the scent of linalool can make them stay away from certain areas of your home. Because roaches have a highly developed sense of smell, the scent of linalool in dryer sheets overwhelms and confuses them. The scent also masks the smell of food, making it harder for them to find a food source; when the roaches don’t find food, they will eventually leave.

How to Use Linalool Dryer Sheets to Repel Cockroaches

use linalool dryer sheets to repel cockroaches
Image: catd_mitchell

Using dryer sheets to repel roaches is easy. All you need to do is place a few sheets around the home where cockroaches are likely to hide or travel through as they enter your home, such as along walls, near baseboards, behind appliances, and in cabinets.

You can also place the sheets in your clothing drawers and closets to keep roaches away. Since the effect is not long-lasting, make sure that you replace the dryer sheets regularly to ensure that they continue to emit the scent of linalool.

It is best to use these sheets alongside other roach control methods, such as sealing cracks and crevices, eliminating food crumbs and water sources that can attract cockroaches, and using roach baits or insecticides as needed: this ensures the effectiveness of the method.

Remember that some people may be sensitive to the scent of linalool, so it’s best to test a small area before using them extensively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Fabric Softener Sheets Repel Roaches?

Yes, fabric softener sheets repel roaches. For example, Bounce dryer sheets contain the same chemicals as dryer sheets and can repel roaches similarly. In addition, fabric softener sheets can repel other insects like adult fungus gnats. However, fabric softener sheets may not be as effective as dryer sheets because they do not contain as much linalool.

Can Dryer Sheets Eliminate a Cockroach Infestation?

No, dryer sheets cannot eliminate a cockroach infestation.

While dryer sheets can repel roaches, they are not guaranteed to eliminate cockroach infestations. Dryer sheets have a finite amount of linalool within them, meaning their pest-deterring effect lowers once the scent dissipates.

To ensure continued effectiveness, replace dryer sheets regularly. However, it’s worth noting that relying solely on dryer sheets to get rid of cockroaches may not yield the desired results. Instead, it’s advisable to incorporate other roach killers or deterrents alongside this home remedy to kill cockroaches. You can use baking soda, diatomaceous earth, soapy water, and boric acid

Do Roaches Hate Dryer Sheets?

Yes, roaches hate dryer sheets; the sheets contain linalool, and cockroaches find linalool unpleasant. However, cockroaches will still enter your home if there is a source of food and water available, regardless of the presence of dryer sheets. 

While a wet dryer sheet on a surface could create a temporary damp environment that cockroaches might find appealing, the dryer sheet itself is not a food source or nesting material for these pests. In fact, dryer sheets are made of materials that cockroaches are unlikely to be interested in, such as non-woven polyester and fabric softener.

What Deters Roaches Instantly?

Essential oils deter roaches instantly. Roaches have a highly developed sense of smell; they find the pungent odors of crucial oils unpleasant and overwhelming, which wards them off. 

Certain essential oils, such as peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and tea tree oil, have been shown to have repellent effects against roaches. However, the effectiveness of essential oils as roach repellents can vary depending on the type of oil used and the concentration.

What Smells Do Roaches Hate?

Roaches hate the smell of aromatic herbs, certain plants and flowers, including bay leaves, catnip, eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint. You can use these scents in your home by placing crushed dried pieces of these plants around the home. 

Alternatively, you can use the essential oils of these plants in areas where roaches are likely to enter. Essential oils have concentrated scents that help deter roaches.

Can You Use Dryer Sheets to Deter Other Bugs?

Yes, you can use dryer sheets to deter other bugs. Recent research suggests that specific dryer sheets possess insect-repelling qualities, repelling bugs such as mites, beetles, weevils, and even German cockroaches. They have also been found to have the ability to repel fungus gnats, a common pest in indoor plants. The compounds present in these dryer sheets are believed to interfere with the insect’s ability to find food sources or mates, making them less likely to linger in the area.


  • Brian White

    Brian White has been a freelance writer for the last few years and has worked for several online writing platforms, magazines, and newspapers. He delivers easily digestible content and has a solid understanding of how to skillfully break complicated content into easily understandable material, even to the average Internet reader. Outside work, Brian enjoys playing Chess online, tinkering with his garden tractors, and binge-watching Netflix shows with his lovely wife. Brian and his wife reside in South California. White Brian