Cypress Oil for Roaches: Does It Work to Repel or Kill Them?

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Cypress oil naturally derives from cypress trees. The trees are known far and wide for their innate ability to repel insects. You might wonder if you can use cypress oil to deter roaches.

Yes, you can use cypress oil to aid in getting a roach problem under control.

This article discusses how you can use cypress essential oil to deter roaches and if it can innately kill them. We will also discuss some frequently asked questions you would be interested in. Keep reading for more information.

What Should You Do if You See a Cockroach?

One of the first things you should do if you see a cockroach is to kill it, followed closely by carefully analyzing the room you found it in. Afterward, check to see how the cockroach could have accessed the room.

Roaches like to go near places with excess food, cluttered areas, and moist places that will allow them to nest and breed freely

These are also favorable conditions if the area is darker than usual or has limited lighting.

Taking some time to do your dishes, take the trash out, and look for any small cracks and holes in the wall will give you a better glimpse of how your initial intruder got in and better understand how you can combat the issue at hand.

Does Cypress Oil Repel Cockroaches?

cypress oil repels cockroaches

Yes, cypress oil repels cockroaches and most other pests and insects like mosquitos and flies.

You can easily apply cypress oil to the inside and outside of your home by mixing it with water and distributing it evenly along the base of your walls and home.

If you are looking for a more long-term solution utilizing the incredible power of cypress, you might want to invest in cypress mulch and apply it around your home instead, as it serves the same purpose but with much less routine keep-up.

Does Cypress Oil Kill Cockroaches?

cypress oil to kill cockroach

Yes, direct exposure to undiluted cypress oil may kill cockroaches. However, the amount of money and effort in doing so is not worth trying, definitely not on a large scale, doubly so if you are facing a severe infestation. 

Cypress oil works more as a deterrent against roaches coming into the area than a solution to killing them when they are already there, be mindful of this to avoid any confusion!

How to Use Cypress Oil for Roaches

cypress oil to prevent roaches

The best way to use cypress oil to prevent roaches from entering your home is to take a few drops of undiluted cypress oil and mix it in a small spray bottle with water and spritz any areas with a few generous sprays.

Attempting to make a more concentrated solution with more drops of oil will yield a more potent fragrance only. However, it will not dramatically increase the base application’s effectiveness.

Can You Add Anything to Make Cypress Oil Work Better?

peppermint oil with cypress oil to kill roaches

You can add peppermint oil to make cypress oil work better. However, the cypress oil and water mixture alone is very effective as a deterrent. 

When you use peppermint oil with cypress oil, you have the long-lasting barrier that cypress oil provides, amplified by the powerfully scented peppermint.

What Can I Do If Cypress Oil Fails?

professional exterminator

If cypress oil fails, you can try other home remedies or call a professional exterminator. 

However, when appropriately utilized, cypress oil applications should not fail in the first place unless there is a severe roach problem. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Can Roaches Survive Without Food & Water?

Without any food sources, roaches can survive roughly a month  

On the other hand, if a cockroach were to have no access to moisture at all, it would die within a week.

What Scent Drives Away Cockroaches?

Peppermint is one scent that drives away cockroaches. It is highly effective at killing and keeping cockroaches out of the area. When utilized properly, a single application can work for days on end.

Bear in mind that even if the scent drives them away, you will still need to invest the time and energy to keep your home clean and find the entry point of the roaches themselves to get a handle on the problem.

What is Better Against Roaches: Peppermint Oil or Cypress Oil?

Peppermint oil is better against roaches than cypress oil. This is primarily because peppermint oil is toxic to cockroaches, much more potent, and smells lovely (to most people).

Couple this together, and it will essentially have the same ability to dissuade roaches from coming near, and it’s easy to see why it’s the victor.

What is the Best Homemade Roach Killer?

To make the best homemade roach killer with borax mix borax and white table sugar in equal amounts and spread this mixture throughout your home. 

This mixture assumes you are ready to clean up the blend after using it and allow the roaches to consume it and die.

Alternatively, mix a blend of 4 cups of vinegar, 3 tablespoons of salt, and 3 tablespoons of Dawn dish soap. Overall, the concoction will kill the roaches immediately.

How Do You Keep Roaches Away at Night?

You can keep roaches away at night by using a multi-step process. The first of them would be cleaning your home thoroughly and removing any possible food sources that might tempt roaches to gather in the first place.

Next, you will want an active deterrent like the cypress oil, which will form a barrier between obvious entry points, like windows and doorframes.

If your roach problem is an entire-blown infestation, you would want to double up and seal your drains to prevent roaches from coming out of them at night, mixing water with ammonia and pouring it down the drains to kill any that linger within.

Read More: Using Ammonia To Kill Cockroaches

The last step would be combing outside your home to gather spots where roaches might cluster. This could be anything from debris in your backyard to garbage cans outside your house.

Does Irish Spring Soap Repel Roaches?

No, Irish Spring soap does not repel roaches or any other insect. The confusion around this topic comes from the soap’s strong scent, which will deter larger mammals like mice and other vermin, bugs, however, do not react to it.

Use Cypress Oil for Cockroaches

using cypress oil

Using cypress oil within your home is an excellent deterrent for keeping roaches away from your home. This is true in certain areas like your kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms. 

It will not kill them unless applied in large volumes and cannot be genuinely viewed as a treatment for an infestation.

Nevertheless, using cypress oil effectively keeps these insects away, and we wish you the best of luck in getting them away or out of your home once and for all! 


  • Angela Newbold

    Angela Newbold left the world of blogging and has spent the last few years as a professional freelance writer. She is passionate about providing thoroughly researched, accurate information relevant to today's readers. Her clear, concise writing style offers in-depth information on various topics appreciated by busy people who may need more time to research for themselves. Her other passions include homeschooling her daughters, photographing nature, and volunteering in her community. Angela and her husband reside in the Midwest. Newbold Angela