Cuban Cockroach: Identification, Habitat, and Life Cycle

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When searching for a specific cockroach species, you might wonder about their appearance, where they live, reproduction rates, etc. If you want to know more about the Cuban cockroach, you have come to the right place!

Cuban cockroaches are also known as the green banana cockroach, green cockroach, or Panchlora nivea. You can find this cockroach in North and South America, depending on which location you look.

Still, we will go further into detail below, so if you wish to learn about these creatures, look no further!

What Are Cuban Cockroaches?

Cuban cockroaches are a bright green to pale green-colored cockroach with a thin yellow margin on the front of their heads and half of their wings. On the contrary, their nymphs are brown or black. Aside from looking different in color, adult Cuban roaches grow up to be around 3/4 to 1 inch in length.

Unlike other cockroach species, the Cuban cockroach likes to fly frequently and is attracted to lights. You may find a Cuban cockroach lingering around your house at night if you leave your porch lights on or open windows.

Where Do Cuban Cockroaches Live?

green banana roach on grill
Image: Mike Chapman

Cuban cockroaches live in outdoor spaces and are rarely found indoors. Still, they might wander indoors if you keep your outside lights on. You can typically find this species near your home, like in the following:

  • Leaf piles
  • Mulch
  • Firewood stacks or logs
  • Banana trees
  • Shrubs
  • Debris of plants

The Cuban cockroach is found in the Southern United States. For example, you will find them in Florida and other states along the Gulf Coast up to mid-Texas.

Still, the Cuban cockroach is native to Cuba and the Caribbean Islands. These cockroaches most likely migrated with containers containing ripening green bananas or other greenhouse plants.

The Cuban Cockroach Diet

cuban cockroaches eat a variety of foods
Image: eustatic

Cuban cockroaches are omnivores, but prefer dead and decaying matter. For example, you will find Cuban roaches eating food scraps, paper scraps, rotting fruit, and other similar items. The baby cockroaches also scavenge and burrow themselves to seek their food out as well.

Another thing the Cuban cockroach eats are scarchy foods and sweets, hence why they might stay inside your home if they come inside.

Life Cycle of the Cuban Cockroach

adult panchlora nivea cockroach

The Cuban cockroach goes through three stages in life: eggs, nymphs, and the adult stage. The eggs will develop into the nymph stage within two months then they spend roughly 100 days molting into an adult. A Cuban cockroach can live to be approximately 20 months old if it finishes its entire life cycle.

A female Cuban cockroach can produce roughly 60 nymphs at a time, and they look dark brown for approximately 100 days until they mature and become that bright shade of green.

Are Cuban Cockroaches Dangerous?

harmless Cuban cockroaches
Image: eustatic

No, Cuban cockroaches are not dangerous. Unlike other species that carry diseases everywhere, the green cockroach does not have this issue. Some people keep them as pets because they look attractive and do not harm humans. Their mouths are so small that they cannot hurt human flesh, even if they want to.

How to Get Rid of Cuban Cockroaches

green cuban cockroach on a wall
Image: Jeff Wright

The best way to get rid of cockroaches is to spray the perimeter of your home. For example, if you have a garden with multiple fruit trees or bushes, this cockroach species may try to get inside. However, once you spray with insecticides or use another natural remedy, they will be less likely not to come in.

For cockroaches who have made their way indoors, make sure to set up bait stations in areas where you notice them the most. An insect bait will attract them to these areas due to the sweet smell. After ingesting said poison, they will die off.

Lastly, make sure to eliminate any debris, wood piles, and other clutter within your yard. You also want to turn off the outdoor lights within your yard.

Since Cuban cockroaches are attracted to lights outside your home, they will be less likely to be a target if they are off. If you wish to keep your lights on for safety reasons, consider purchasing some solar lights.

Final Thoughts

Although Cuban cockroaches are unique to most, you still need to take preventative measures to ensure they will not enter your house! Still, if you have any significant issues with these critters, make sure to call a pest control professional to ensure you get the right help you need.

We hope you learned something new while reading this article, and best of luck in finding out what works to eliminate these pests from your home!


  • Angela Newbold

    Angela Newbold left the world of blogging and has spent the last few years as a professional freelance writer. She is passionate about providing thoroughly researched, accurate information relevant to today's readers. Her clear, concise writing style offers in-depth information on various topics appreciated by busy people who may need more time to research for themselves. Her other passions include homeschooling her daughters, photographing nature, and volunteering in her community. Angela and her husband reside in the Midwest. Newbold Angela