Can Cockroaches Live In Your Penis? The Facts Behind a Myth

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Cockroaches are the most hated pests worldwide. These creatures are loathed so much that myths and urban legends have been created regarding them. Most of these legends and myths focus on how despicable and weird these pests can become.

Moreover, there is this meme that circulated through the internet that made men terrified. It was a mockup of a Google search query: “Can roaches live in your penis?” The answer stated: “Absolutely! It is totally normal too.”

This article will discuss whether cockroaches can live in a human penis or any part of your body and put to rest this disturbing myth.

Can Cockroaches Live In Your Penis?

No, roaches cannot live in your penis.

After the Google mockup of the search query, most people went to the internet to research. However, the truth is that a cockroach can’t live inside your penis. Besides, roaches are scavengers that will feed on pretty much anything, so they are more likely to bite your penis but won’t enter and live in it.

Additionally, roaches cannot enter or survive in your penis hole because of the penis’s biological structure.

Similarly, there has not been a single documented case of a cockroach being found inside a human penis. The myth is just meant to scare men.

Can Cockroaches Live In Your Body?

Yes, cockroaches can live in your body.

There have been various documented cases of roaches living inside people’s bodies. Most of these reported cases are roaches in the ear or nasal cavities. However, a roach was found in a human skull in one instance.

According to the reports, doctors in Chennai, India, removed a live cockroach from a woman’s skull. The cockroach was said to have entered the woman’s nose and went straight into her sinuses while she was sleeping. According to them, the roach was alive and didn’t want to come out. Thankfully, they used forceps and suction tools to remove the roach.

That said, it is crucial to note that cockroaches usually seek warm places when the weather is cold. So, body openings like the human ear and nose can give the roach a desirable place to stay in. In addition, roaches can end up in your nose accidentally through inhalation while sleeping.

Roaches might also enter your ear or nose while foraging for food. In your ear, the ear wax might be appealing to them. Besides, earwax harbors bacteria that release volatile fatty acids. So, roaches might enter your ear to explore and get stuck inside. Large cockroach species like the American cockroach rarely get inside the human ear. However, the German cockroach is small and can fit in it.

On the other hand, nasal secretions might attract roaches who will go inside your nose to pick their midnight snack and get lost or stuck inside.

What Happens When a Cockroach Gets Inside Your Body?

cockroach walking on a hand
Image: Gina Collecchia

If a cockroach gets inside your body, it won’t be able to survive for an extended period.

Most of the roaches’ organs are located on the exterior part of their body. For example, the spiracles can be seen on the sides of the roach’s body. That said, it will be challenging for the cockroach to breathe and digest food inside the human body. In addition, your immune system will detect a foreign substance and attack the cockroach to destroy it.

If you swallow a roach by accident, it will be digested. While their exoskeleton is made of chitin, a compound that cannot be digested, it can safely pass through your digestive system. The only problem comes from the diseases, parasites, and bacteria these creatures carry.

Can Cockroaches Enter Your Brain?

No, cockroaches cannot enter your brain.

The human brain is a fragile organ that is well protected. It is protected by many layers of tissue and bone to prevent any foreign substance from entering it. That said, roaches cannot burrow their way into your brain. However, if you are worried about roaches in your home, it will be best to get the help of a pest control expert.

Most of these issues arise in case of a severe infestation, where roaches will go to great lengths to find food. Therefore, if you have a cockroach infestation, take the necessary steps to eliminate them. In addition, damp and dark areas like crawl spaces and basements, food scraps and sugary substances attract cockroaches. So get rid of any food and water sources to avoid an infestation. 

Can Cockroaches Lay Eggs Inside Your Body?

cockroaches cannot lay eggs in body
Image: Ryan Somma

No, cockroaches cannot lay eggs in your body.

If you accidentally swallow a female cockroach, the digestive acids in your stomach will break it down and kill it. So, there is no way a cockroach will enter your body or stomach in this case and lay eggs.

Moreover, the laid eggs won’t hatch, and the baby roaches won’t eat their way out of you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Cockroaches Live In Your Private Parts?

No, cockroaches cannot live in your private parts. Besides, no documented case or evidence of cockroaches living in private parts exists. This myth was probably staged to lie to the public and create a stir online.

Can Cockroaches Crawl Into Your Urethra?

No, cockroaches cannot crawl into your urethra.

Because of the penis’s anatomy, it is highly unlikely that roaches will enter it, let alone find their way into your urethra. In addition, there is no documented case of cockroaches being discovered inside someone’s urethra.

Where Do Cockroaches Get Their Names From?

Cockroaches get their names from the Spanish word cucaracha, derived from the Latin term blatta which means a light-shining insect.


  • Brian White

    Brian White has been a freelance writer for the last few years and has worked for several online writing platforms, magazines, and newspapers. He delivers easily digestible content and has a solid understanding of how to skillfully break complicated content into easily understandable material, even to the average Internet reader. Outside work, Brian enjoys playing Chess online, tinkering with his garden tractors, and binge-watching Netflix shows with his lovely wife. Brian and his wife reside in South California. White Brian