Bugs that Look Like Cockroaches: Know These Look-Alikes

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Cockroaches are the bane of many people’s existence. Unfortunately, they can be hard to eliminate, making it seem like you live in a filthy or unkempt home.

But there are other bugs that look like cockroaches, and they might fool you into thinking you have an Oriental cockroach infestation. With more than 4,000 cockroach species worldwide, it’s not uncommon for people to mistake roaches for other insects.

Some of the common pests that resemble dark brown roaches include:

  • Water bugs
  • Wood borers
  • Termites
  • Bed bugs
  • Crickets
  • June bugs

Some of these insects can even be more difficult to get rid of than regular roaches. So, continue reading this guide to learn more about common bugs that look like cockroaches

How to Identify a Roach

The best way to identify bugs that look like cockroaches is by taking note of the physical characteristics of a cockroach. Here are some things that may help you identify a cockroach:


The size of a cockroach varies depending on its species. Some species are smaller than others, while others are larger than average. For example, most American cockroaches measure between 1/2 inch to 1 inch long, while German cockroaches measure up to 1 1/2 inches long.


Cockroaches come in different colors, such as black, light brown, jet black, reddish brown, and yellowish brown, among others, depending on the roach species or subspecies.


The cockroach body varies in shape depending on the species or subspecies, but most have oval-shaped bodies with long antennae attached to the head region.


Oriental cockroaches usually move quickly when disturbed by humans as they try to hide from us or escape from our presence by running toward dark areas where there is less light available. In addition, Oriental cockroaches and many other species also tend to stay in groups and can be easily found in areas with many food sources available for them to feed on.

What Are Cockroaches Mistaken For?

small water bug
Image: Wei-Hang Chua

Cockroaches are mistaken for many bugs that look like them, but the common ones include giant water bugs, bed bugs, crickets, and certain beetles, among others. Below are some difference between these bugs and cockroaches.

Cockroach vs. Water Bug

The German roach and water bug are both small, brownish insects that have wings. 

In addition, these are some of the most common insects that look like cockroaches and can be challenging to tell apart. This is mostly because they are both found in the same places and feed on similar things.

However, there are a few key differences between these bugs that can help you identify them if you see one crawling around your home or office.

The German cockroach has longer body antennae, while the water bug doesn’t. German cockroaches have wings, while water bugs do not. 

On the other hand, German roaches have flattened oval bodies with long, spiny legs; giant water bugs have rounder bodies and shorter legs.

German roaches are usually found outdoors near garbage cans or other places where food is present, while water bugs live in damp environments like basements and sewers. However, you can also find them outside near water sources such as ponds or streams.

Cockroaches vs. Wood Borers

The wood borer is another unwelcome bug that can be confused for an Oriental cockroach. These bugs are a species of beetle that like to bore holes into tree trunks. However, wood borers can also infest your home.

You may confuse wood borers for cockroaches because they have a similar body shape, coloration, legs, and antennae.

Usually, wood borers that find their way into your home will hide in baseboards. On the other hand, the brown-banded cockroach can only hide in small gaps where they can crawl because they can’t make their own holes.

Cockroaches vs. Termites

Image: Aleksey Gnilenkov

Although the two are insects, they have different diets and behaviors.

Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures that feed on human and animal food. They run away when they feel threatened, so you might find them hiding inside your walls or under furniture.

Cockroaches leave a smelly odor when they die, which can signify an infestation if you notice it in your home.

Cockroaches mostly live outside, where they breed in garbage cans and other containers containing organic material like food scraps and dead animals. However, they can also find their way indoors if there is access through cracks or crevices around windows or doors.

Termites are sap-sucking insects that eat wood. They don’t bite humans but damage homes by eating away at wooden structures like floors, furniture, and walls. 

Termites leave behind tiny holes in their wake and sawdust-like material called frass that can indicate an infestation is present in your home.

Termites are common in wood structures such as your home’s wooden beams or floorboards. You can also find them in cardboard boxes and other materials made from wood pulp. 

Cockroaches vs. Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are among the most common bugs that look like cockroaches. They are a type of insect that feed on blood from other animals or humans. 

There are many types of bed bugs, including the common bed bug (Cimex lectularius) and the tropical bed bug (Cimex hemipterus).

Cockroaches are also a common pest in homes. However, roaches are more common in bathroomskitchens, sewers, and other places where there is food available for them to eat. 

Smoky brown cockroaches are reddish-brown and have six legs. They also have antennae and wings that they can use to fly away when they feel threatened by people or other animals.

The easiest way to tell if you have a smoky brown cockroach or bed bug problem is by looking at their bodies. Cockroaches have wings folded over their back, and bedbugs do not. 

Cockroaches also have long antennae for feeling around in the dark, while bedbugs have small stubs on either side of their head, which they use to sense heat and direct them to their host.

Cockroaches vs. Crickets

Image: Gaby

Crickets are more closely related to grasshoppers than roaches, even though they live in the same areas. Crickets are generally smaller than roaches and have a more slender and cylindrical body shape.

Their antennae are longer than most roaches, and they have longer legs used for jumping.

Just like roaches, crickets are nocturnal and tend to hide in dark areas during the day, like under furniture or behind baseboards.

On the other hand, cockroaches are generally larger than crickets, with wider, longer bodies.

Cockroaches also have shorter antennae and shorter legs than most species of crickets (though some species have longer legs). 

The easiest way to tell if you have a cricket or a wood roach problem is by looking at their wings. While some cockroach species can fly, all crickets can’t fly at all. Instead, crickets use their wings solely for balance during flightless leaps.

Cockroaches vs. June Bugs

June bugs are a type of beetle commonly found in the United States. They’re typically brown bug or black, with long antennae and large, round bodies, and these bugs look like cockroaches. 

These pests are also about the same size as cockroaches, and they can grow up to 2 inches long, though most are only about 1 inch.

The easiest way to tell if you have a June bug or a cockroach is by looking at their wings. These bugs also have leathery, hard wings that don’t cover the entire length of their bodies.

On the other hand, cockroaches have thin, membranous wings covering their bodies. Roaches also have longer antennae than June insects.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Roaches Look Like Wood Borers?

Yes, roaches look like wood borers. They’re often about the same size and have similar coloring, but wood borers have more rounded bodies than wood roaches. They also have thin, pointed heads.

How do you tell these bugs that look like roaches apart? First, you can check their antennae. Roaches have long, thin antennae that reach beyond their bodies. Wood borers have short, stubby antennae.

Is an Oriental Cockroach a Ground Beetle?

No, an Oriental Cockroach is not a ground beetle.

Roaches and ground beetles are insects, but that’s about where the similarities end. Unfortunately, it’s easy to confuse some beetle species with roaches.

Brown-banded cockroaches are usually brown and typically live in dark, moist environments, like under furniture or in the walls of your home. They’re typically more extensive than the ground beetle and have wings that they use to fly.

The Asian longhorned beetle is usually black or brownish-black with shiny, hard shells. This beetle can’t fly and prefers dry environments, like soil or dead leaves.

While wood-boring beetles may resemble cockroaches at first glance, you can tell them apart by their behavior: the smoky brown cockroach will run away when threatened or disturbed; ground beetles don’t move much at all unless they’re hunting for food.


  • Brian White

    Brian White has been a freelance writer for the last few years and has worked for several online writing platforms, magazines, and newspapers. He delivers easily digestible content and has a solid understanding of how to skillfully break complicated content into easily understandable material, even to the average Internet reader. Outside work, Brian enjoys playing Chess online, tinkering with his garden tractors, and binge-watching Netflix shows with his lovely wife. Brian and his wife reside in South California.

    https://pestplaybook.com/author/brian-white/ White Brian