White Cockroach: What Is It and Why Are Some Albino?

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If you have spotted a cockroach at home or in your office, you know how awful the experience can be. A white roach is even more disgusting and repulsive than its darker counterparts.

In addition, white cockroaches spread germs, cause allergic reactions, and can cause food poisoning.

Surprisingly, there is not much difference between the white cockroach and the more common brown or black roaches. White cockroaches just lack enough pigment molecules.

If it is your first time spotting a white cockroach, keep reading this article to know what cockroach species you’re dealing with, what makes them rare, and the best cockroach control method to get rid of them. 

What Is a White Cockroach?

A white cockroach is simply a roach in its nymph stage of growth. This is the second part of the cockroach life cycle, the first part being the egg, which hatches into tiny white larvae. Once the larvae reach a specific size, it molts into a nymph.

The nymphs are white and will stay in the white phase until they become adult roaches. Nymphs are somewhat translucent, allowing you to see their internal organs through their exoskeleton.

As they grow, white roaches molt more often, which means they shed their outer shell and develop a new one. This is why the color of the albino cockroach changes from time to time.

Read More: Saw Baby German Cockroach Nymphs in the House?

Are Albino Cockroaches Dangerous?

balta notulata cockroach
Image: John Tann

No, Albino cockroaches are not dangerous. They do not have any venom like other cockroaches, and they can’t even bite you hard enough to cause bleeding.

They are, however, a sign of bad hygiene and uncleanliness. They can also spread diseases like salmonella, asthma, or diarrhea.

Is the Albino Roach Similar to the White Cockroach?

albino roach
Image: Jo Naylor

Yes, the albino roach is similar to the white roach. Albino roaches aren’t different from other roach species, but another name that people use to refer to young nymphs (baby cockroaches) that haven’t reached their full color. 

White cockroaches are white because they haven’t yet developed the dark brown coloring on their bodies that comes with age. Unfortunately, however, there is no known actual albino cockroach.

However, there’s another kind of “white” roach: ghost porcelain roaches. These guys have dark bodies but look like someone sprinkled them with flour. This is not because they have albinism but because they have a genetic mutation that prevents their dark pigment from developing.

Where Can You Find White Cockroaches?

group of white cockroaches
Image: Mark Dumont

You can find white cockroaches in the same places you will find brown cockroaches. However, albino roaches are much more common than other roaches in areas with a lot of moisture and humidity, such as bathrooms, cardboard boxes, and kitchen cabinets.

The damp, dark parts of your house may also attract albino cockroaches because they like to live near food sources. Therefore, if you see one crawling around your basement or near food sources, most likely, there are more hiding out nearby.

Seeing more than one molting cockroach could mean that your home has become infested. If this is the case, it’s time for serious extermination measures before things get out of hand.

Why Are White Roaches Rare?

baby white roaches
Image: Matt Reinbold

White roaches are rare because they are well hidden. In fact, they are not actually rare, you just don’t see them easily. That’s because albino cockroaches have a pale color that makes them harder to see than their darker-colored counterparts.

They also use their white coloration as camouflage, which means they blend into the background of dark areas so that predators can’t find them easily.

You’ll be able to see plenty of white cockroaches when you take time to look closely at your home or apartment for signs of a primary infestation. And if you do spot one, don’t worry: there are many ways you can get rid of them without harming yourself or your loved ones.

How Albino Cockroaches Turn Into Brown Roaches

white nymphs
Image: Edward Baker

The albino cockroach goes through a molting process that allows it to change from its juvenile form into an adult. First, white cockroaches (nymphs) will molt or shed their exoskeleton to grow and change into adult cockroaches.

This process takes several months. Therefore, you won’t see an instant transformation from white to brown. However, when an albino cockroach gets to the molting phase, it becomes a brown roach with wings and legs that allows it to fly away from danger.

The albino cockroach spends most of its life as a nymph and only becomes an adult after it reaches full maturity.

The white coloration results from a lack of pigment in the exoskeleton underneath, making the white roaches appear pale. Therefore, if you have seen any white roaches scurrying around your home, they’re most likely juvenile forms of the brown color variety.

This is a good sign because the infestation is not severe; the roaches are only beginning to manifest. Therefore, you can deal with the molting cockroach population through various methods.

What to Do When You See a White Cockroach

structural pest control
Image: UGA CAES/Extension

White roaches are common in homes and businesses, but they can also be a sign of a bigger problem. If you see white roaches, it is vital to take action right away. White cockroaches can cause damage to your property and spread diseases. 

Read More: How To Get Rid of Cockroaches

You may also want to contact a professional pest control company to determine the source of your white roach problem. Professional exterminators will also help you determine if there are other roaches or pests in your home and how to get rid of them.

You can also take preventative measures to keep white cockroaches and egg cases away from your property. Here are some tips for dealing with white roaches:

  • Keep the area around your home clean and dry
  • Clean up any food spills immediately
  • Fix any leaks that may be present in your home’s plumbing system
  • Store food in sealed containers or bags, and throw away any scraps or leftovers

Did You See a White Cockroach?

white roaches
Image: Matt Reinbold

If you just saw a white cockroach, it means that an infestation may be underway. The white German cockroaches are tough to spot and go unnoticed for a long time. They prefer dark and cool places, so they’re often found in basements or other areas that aren’t as well-lit.

Although a white cockroach is technically not a mature cockroach until it becomes brown, this type of roach still poses many hazards for homeowners. It can carry bacteria and other diseases, contaminate your food and cause allergies. 

Therefore, if you notice a white cockroach in your home, it’s crucial that you contact a pest control professional immediately. This will help you deal with the problem and prevent it from worsening. A professional can also give you tips on how to prevent future infestations, as well as information about white roaches in general.


  • Brian White

    Brian White has been a freelance writer for the last few years and has worked for several online writing platforms, magazines, and newspapers. He delivers easily digestible content and has a solid understanding of how to skillfully break complicated content into easily understandable material, even to the average Internet reader. Outside work, Brian enjoys playing Chess online, tinkering with his garden tractors, and binge-watching Netflix shows with his lovely wife. Brian and his wife reside in South California.

    https://pestplaybook.com/author/brian-white/ White Brian