Illinois Cockroach Species You Should Know

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Illinois is one of America’s most densely populated states, meaning you’re also likely to encounter cockroaches at some point.

The good news is that there are many things you can do to combat the issue. The first step is identifying what kind of cockroach you’re dealing with and then taking the appropriate measures to remove them from your home.

Keep reading to learn more about the most common cockroaches in Illinois and what you can do to eliminate them.

Which Kinds of Cockroaches Live in Illinois?

There are many kinds of cockroaches that live in Illinois. However, the most common ones include the following:

German Cockroach

The German cockroach is smaller than most other roaches at just 1/2 inch long. They are light brown with two blackish brown stripes running down their backs from head to end of the abdomen (rear). 

The German cockroach prefers warm areas like kitchens and bathrooms where they can easily find food scraps and water without being noticed. However, they can fly and are good at hiding, so keep an eye out for them when cleaning.

Read More: How to Get Rid Of The German Cockroach Fast

American Cockroach

periplaneta americana cockroach
Image: James St. John

The American cockroach is one of the larger species. American roaches can reach 2 to 3 inches long compared to other species. They have a reddish brown color with a pale yellow stripe on their head. 

The American cockroach thrives in dark and damp areas like sewers, basements, and pantries and can also live outdoors. However, they can also lurk in your home or office’s damp corners.

Read More: How to Get Rid of and Kill the American Cockroach

Oriental Cockroach

oriental cockroach
Image: Katja Schulz

The Oriental cockroach is small, growing to around 1 inch in length. They have a shiny dark brown color and have long antennae. 

The Oriental cockroaches live in moist places like sewers and drains and the damp corners of your home or office space. They are most active at night when they crawl around on walls and ceilings. 

Oriental cockroaches also love to stay in groups and can become a nuisance once they invade your home.

Read More: What To Do If You Find Oriental Roaches In Your Home

Brown-Banded Cockroaches

brown-banded roach
Image: Jean and Fred Hort

Brown-banded cockroaches are the smallest species of roach, growing to around 1/2 inch in length. 

They are dark brown with two light brown stripes running down their back. 

These dark brown cockroaches often lurk in dark corners or behind furniture but are also frequently found in kitchens and bathrooms. 

A brown-banded roach infestation can be quite a nuisance as these roaches love to forage for food at night.

Read More: How to Get Rid of Brown-Banded Cockroaches

Are Cockroaches Dangerous?

Yes, cockroaches are dangerous. Oriental cockroaches, American cockroaches, German cockroaches, and brown-branded cockroaches can carry and spread bacteria through their feces and saliva.

These bacteria can cause diseases such as dysentery and food poisoning. 

They may also carry germs that cause typhoid fever and cholera. Some people may develop allergies to cockroach saliva, allergens, and even their feces, leading to problems such as asthma attacks, breathing disorders, a runny nose, and watery eyes. These symptoms may alleviate when you take antihistamines or decongestants.

In some cases, cockroaches can also transmit diseases like typhoid fever and dysentery. 

If you have been exposed to a cockroach-infested area or have had contact with a person exposed to a cockroach-infested site, contact your doctor immediately to discuss whether you should receive treatment for these diseases.

Because roaches also eat both plant and animal matter, ensure you get rid of them since they may bite you at night as you sleep. 

Why Do I Have a Roach Problem?

cockroach problem
Image: Ben Smith

You may have a roach problem for many reasons. However, the most common reasons are:

  • Poorly maintained homes with cracks in the foundation, holes in walls, and gaps under doors create spaces for an Oriental cockroach to enter.
  • Leaky pipes or plumbing fixtures that allow water to build up in the walls attract the brown-banded cockroach.
  • Fatty foods, starchy foods, and garbage left out or improperly disposed of.
  • There may be a brown-banded cockroach infestation next door.
  • The presence of pets like dogs and cats can attract roaches, especially if you don’t clean up after them.
  • A poorly maintained yard can also attract German roaches, especially if there are dead animals, leaf litter, and tall grass that provides cover for them.
  • A dirty home can attract cockroaches.
  • A messy kitchen with food debris on the floor or countertops will attract roaches.
  • You live in an apartment building or other multi-unit residence where the landlord is not maintaining a clean and sanitary environment.
  • Your home has been flooded, leading to mold growth and water damage that attracts American cockroaches.

How to Prevent Cockroaches From Invading Your Illinois Home

Roaches are among the most common household pests in the United States. 

An Illinois cockroach can find its way into your home through cracks in your walls, crevices in your floorboards, and drains. 

Once the German cockroaches get inside, they can spread disease and contaminate food supplies.

The good news is that there are many ways to get rid of roaches and prevent other cockroaches from infiltrating your home in Illinois. Here are some tips:

  • Keep your food source covered, and don’t leave dirty dishes out overnight.
  • Clean up spills immediately and dispose of food waste properly
  • Seal cracks and crevices in your home’s foundation and walls
  • Store trash in sealed containers outside.
  • Make sure the area around your house is free of debris that can provide shelter for roaches.
  • Don’t leave pet food out overnight.
  • Keep your home clean and sanitary.
  • Place sticky traps and bait stations around your home.

If you still have a cockroach problem after doing these things, then it might be time to call an exterminator

An experienced roach exterminator will inspect your home for any signs of infestation and formulate a plan to eradicate them and prevent other cockroaches from invading your home.

How Do I Get Rid of Roaches?

opening diatomaceous earth package

You can get rid of roaches using a few simple methods. You can use sticky traps, baits, diatomaceous earth, boric acid, or residual sprays to kill cockroaches and prevent other cockroaches from invading your home. 

However, it’s important to note that it will take multiple treatments to eliminate the roach infestation successfully.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Cockroaches?

Cockroaches are pest insects that can invade restaurants, warehouses, hospitals, homes, and buildings with food-handling areas. These pests can survive up to one month without food and ten days without water. However, these primitive insects help in recycling dead plant and animal matter. 

Where Can I Find Roaches?

You can find roaches in different parts of your home, including the kitchen, near water heaters, bathroom, and basement. However, they can also lurk around garages and crawl spaces. 

Remember to look out for roach feces and egg casings, which are signs of large infestations.

Do Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches Like Cooler Temperatures?

No, Pennsylvania wood cockroaches do not like cooler temperatures; they prefer warm and humid environments. This makes them more likely to get into your home when the weather gets cold. Conversely, if you live in a warm climate, there’s a higher chance of seeing these pests during summer.

What Cockroaches Are Found in Missouri?

The cockroaches found in Missouri are German, Oriental, American, Pennsylvania wood roaches, and brown-banded roaches. This means Illinois’s neighbor does not offer the threat of additional species.


  • Brian White

    Brian White has been a freelance writer for the last few years and has worked for several online writing platforms, magazines, and newspapers. He delivers easily digestible content and has a solid understanding of how to skillfully break complicated content into easily understandable material, even to the average Internet reader. Outside work, Brian enjoys playing Chess online, tinkering with his garden tractors, and binge-watching Netflix shows with his lovely wife. Brian and his wife reside in South California. White Brian