How to Get Rid of Cockroaches Fast

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Suppose you recently found out you have a cockroach infestation and are attempting to eliminate them from your home. In that case, you would want to do everything possible to eliminate roaches. However, what is the best way to do it?

There are many ways you can eliminate or kill cockroaches from your home. You can go the conventional method using pesticides or the natural way, which takes a safer approach. Either way, you want to ensure you eliminate roaches from your home.

This article discusses multiple ways of killing roaches from your home and how to prevent these bugs from entering. Please continue below if you wish to know the guide on eliminating these pests.

Table of Contents

Why Is It Important to Get Rid of Roaches?

roaches carry diseases and damage property
Image: ian newcomb

It is important to get rid of roaches because they carry diseases and can damage your property [1].

If a cockroach eats feces from something or someone, it may cause you to become sick. Some examples of diseases roaches carry are as follows:

  • Cholera
  • Dysentery
  • Giardia
  • Leprosy
  • Listeriosis

On the other hand, if a roach happens to live in your microwave or electronic device, it could ruin it by its feces or how many eggs it lays in there. Furthermore, cockroaches will eat any leather furniture you have.

Read More: How to Get Roaches Out of Your Electronics and Small Appliances

Differentiating Commonly Confused Species

Before you can develop a plan to get rid of your roach problem, you need to determine which type of roaches you are seeing. This is because certain species require a different method of attack [2].

In many locations, you’ll be dealing mostly with American, German, Oriental, brown-banded, wood, or smokybrown roaches. However, in some places, you may also see the Turkestan cockroach or the Cuban cockroach.

Let’s take a look at a few types that sometimes get confused with each other.

German vs. American Cockroaches

German cockroaches and American cockroaches are two of the most common species of cockroaches found in the United States, but they have distinct differences.

German cockroaches are smaller in size, typically measuring between 0.5 and 0.6 inches in length, while American cockroaches can grow up to 1.6 inches long. German cockroaches are typically light brown or tan in color, while American cockroaches are reddish-brown.

German cockroaches are commonly found indoors, particularly in kitchens and bathrooms, while American cockroaches prefer to live outdoors but may enter buildings in search of food and shelter.

German cockroaches reproduce much faster than American cockroaches and can infest a building quickly, while American cockroaches do not reproduce as rapidly.

Oriental vs. American Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches and American cockroaches are often confused, even down to both being called palmetto bugs in some areas are two common species of cockroaches found in the United States.

While they share some similarities, there are several key differences between them. Oriental cockroaches are typically smaller in size, with an average length of around 1 inch, while American cockroaches can grow up to 1.6 inches in length. Oriental cockroaches have a shiny, black body, while American cockroaches are reddish-brown.

Oriental cockroaches are often found in damp areas like basements and sewers, while American cockroaches prefer to live outdoors but can also be found inside buildings. Oriental cockroaches do not fly, while American cockroaches are capable of flight [3].

Oriental vs. German Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches and German cockroaches are two common species of cockroaches found in the United States, and they have several differences.

Oriental cockroaches are typically larger in size, with an average length of around 1 inch, while German cockroaches are smaller, measuring between 0.5 and 0.6 inches in length.

Oriental cockroaches have shiny, black bodies, while German cockroaches are light brown or tan.

Wood Roaches vs. Other Roaches

wood roaches and their characteristics
Image: budak

Wood roaches are a subset of cockroaches that are quite different from other types of roaches. Wood roaches are typically larger than most species of cockroaches and can grow up to 1.25 inches in length, while cockroaches are generally smaller, with the largest species being the American cockroach at 1.6 inches.

Wood roaches have a brown, oval-shaped body with wings that extend beyond the length of their body, while cockroaches have a more elongated body shape and shorter wings.

Wood roaches are often found in wooded areas, particularly in decaying wood and leaf litter, while cockroaches are more commonly found indoors, particularly in areas with moisture and food sources.

Special Identification Considerations

Look-Alike Bugs

There are several bugs that can be mistaken for cockroaches due to their similar appearance. Some common examples include beetles, water bugs, and stink bugs.

Beetles such as the ground beetle or the black carpet beetle can have a similar size and shape to cockroaches, but their bodies are harder and more glossy than cockroaches.

Water bugs, also known as giant water bugs or toe-biters, are similar in size and color to some cockroach species, but they have longer legs and a different body shape.

Stink bugs, such as the brown marmorated stink bug, can also resemble cockroaches due to their flat, brownish-black bodies, but they have distinct antennae and a triangular shape that sets them apart.

Water Bugs vs. Cockroaches

Water bugs and cockroaches share a similar appearance and are often mistaken for each other, but they have some key differences. Water bugs are aquatic insects and are typically larger than most species of cockroaches. They can grow up to 4 inches in length, while cockroaches are usually smaller and grow to around 1.5 inches.

Water bugs have flat, oval-shaped bodies and are usually brown or black, while cockroaches have more elongated bodies and are usually light brown or tan. Water bugs are commonly found in aquatic environments such as ponds and streams, while cockroaches are usually found indoors in areas with food and moisture, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Water bugs are not known to infest homes, while certain species of cockroaches, such as the German cockroach, are common household pests.

Read More: Eliminating Water Bugs from Your Home

Life Stages of the Cockroach

Different control methods target different stages of growth in the roach. Because of this, it’s important to understand the general life cycle of a roach.

The life cycle of a cockroach starts with the pregnant female cockroach laying eggs. These eggs are usually deposited in a protective casing known as an ootheca, which the female carries around until it is ready to hatch.

Once the eggs hatch, the nymphs, or baby roaches, emerge and begin to grow and molt, shedding their exoskeletons several times as they develop. As the small white cockroach nymphs continue to grow, they eventually reach adulthood and begin to reproduce, completing the life cycle.

The entire process from egg to adult can take several months or even years, depending on the species of cockroach and the conditions in which they live.

How Can I Eliminate Roaches from My Home?

You can eliminate roaches from your home by using the conventional method of setting bait stations, liquid concentrates, or hiring a pest control professional. Still, there are natural remedies available that will kill roaches as well. You’ll also want to figure out where the roaches are coming from to block entry of additional pests.

The Conventional Way

First, let us discuss a few of the conventional ways to get rid of roaches.

1. Set Bait Stations

use traps or bait stations
Image: Mike Mozart

Bait stations kill roaches rather quickly. Roaches consume the bait and go back to their colony. Once said cockroach dies, other roaches will eat it, which allows the poison to spread.

However, bait stations are relatively unattractive and are poisonous to people and animals, so it is wise to keep them out of reach.

2. Use Insecticides

insecticide roach sprays

Insecticides can be used in the form of sprays, powders, or foggers and are designed to kill cockroaches on contact. You’ll need to carefully consider the ingredients, application method, and safety information when choosing a good cockroach killer for your home.

It is important to follow the instructions on the label carefully and take necessary safety precautions when using any insecticides.

3. Hire a Professional Exterminator

professional exterminator

A professional exterminator ensures you get rid of these nasty critters. Pest control knows how to locate where the roach problem is. They will treat everywhere necessary and then follow up with you later.

Although this method is more expensive up-front, it will save you tons of money and stress later.

This method is relatively safe and easy, and the professionals will deal with the issues inside and outside.

4. Use Traps

bug sticky trap
Image: Esther Dyson

The best cockroach traps use an adhesive substance to trap cockroaches when they walk over it, while baits use a chemical attractant to lure them to consume poison. You can either purchase these or make your own homemade cockroach traps and baits. A final effective option is the roach motel, which keeps the dead bodies out of sight.

5. Use Insect Growth Regulators

An insect growth regulator helps mimic the hormones of young bugs, including cockroaches. It prevents eggs from hatching, the bug from molting from one stage to the next, and more.

The Natural Way

Natural ways to get rid of cockroaches can be a great option if you’re worried about chemicals or if you want to eliminate the roaches without using an exterminator.

1. Baking Soda

mix sugar with baking soda

One effective method is to mix equal parts of baking soda and sugar to kill roaches. The sugar attracts them, while the baking soda kills them by causing their stomachs to burst.

2. Diatomaceous Earth

diatomaceous earth in polythene
Image: This Year’s Love

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is another excellent way DIY solution.

To use DE, you will want to place it where you see cockroach activity. However, you can also create a bait with one part peanut butter and one part diatomaceous earth.

3. Boric Acid

boric acid powder

Another effective roach killer is boric acid powder, which can be sprinkled in areas where cockroaches are likely to hide. Using borax against roaches is a similar option, though it’s not quite as effective.

4. Use Essential Oils

essential oil to kill the roach

Essential oils such as eucalyptus and peppermint oil are also effective in repelling cockroaches. Another popular choice is catnip oil which works to get rid of roaches. Finally, cypress oil also repels roaches.

For a low-key option, you can place roach-repelling plants around your home.

Other Ways to Get Rid of Cockroaches with Household Products

get rid of cockroaches with household products

There are also a number of home remedies to get rid of roaches that take advantage of common household cleaning products. Ammonia is an effective roach killer and repellent, while bleach also kills cockroaches and keeps them away from areas with the scent.

Strong-smelling Lysol products kill and repel roaches, especially if you choose citrus or lavender options. Pine-Sol doesn’t attract roaches but repels them instead. Like many of these other products, it works by blinding their scent receptors due to the overwhelmingly strong scent.

Finally, alcohol kills roaches too. However, this only works with rubbing or isopropyl alcohol, not alcoholic drinks.

Many of these products can be great options to clean your home with. But, many people also pour these products down their drains to kill roaches that are living there. Try not to use too much and always read labels and check with your local water authority before doing so. You don’t want to harm waters further downstream. 

You should also take care not to mix chemicals. For instance, pouring bleach and ammonia down the drain can create deadly toxic gases.

How to Target Specific Species of Roaches

Eliminating American Cockroaches

American cockroaches are one of the giant species of cockroaches you may come across, and they can be quite difficult to get rid of. However, there are a few steps you can take to eliminate American roaches from your home.

First, you should eliminate any sources of food and water, such as crumbs and standing water, which can attract these insects. Next, seal any cracks and crevices in your home, especially in areas where pipes enter the building, as these provide easy entry points for cockroaches.

Additionally, you can use baits, traps, or insecticides specifically designed for American cockroaches. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and keep children and pets away from any chemicals. 

How to Get Rid of Asian Cockroaches

Once you’ve identified Asian cockroaches in your home, the next step is to take action. Getting rid of Asian cockroaches can be challenging, as they are highly adaptable and can reproduce quickly. However, there are several methods that can be effective in controlling their population.

The first step is to identify and seal all possible entry points, including cracks in walls, windows, and doors. Removing food sources and fixing any leaks or moisture problems can also discourage their presence.

Chemical treatments, such as insecticide sprays, baits, and dusts, can be effective in killing Asian cockroaches, but they should be used with caution and according to the manufacturer’s instructions. In some cases, professional pest control services may be necessary to effectively eliminate the infestation. 

Getting Rid of Brown-Banded Cockroaches

exterminator spraying cockroach killing spray

Brown-banded roaches are a common household pest that can be difficult to get rid of once they establish a presence in your home.

The first step in eliminating the brown-banded roaches is to identify the areas where they are most active and use a vacuum cleaner to remove any visible cockroaches and their eggs.

Additionally, it’s important to remove any potential sources of food and water, as these pests are attracted to moisture and organic material.

Seal any cracks or crevices in walls, floors, and doors where they may enter or hide, and use insecticides or baits specifically formulated for brown-banded cockroaches to target any remaining individuals. 

Eliminating German Cockroaches

The German cockroach is one of the most common household pests, and getting rid of them can be a challenging task [4]. However, with persistence and a combination of different methods, it is possible to eliminate German cockroaches.

The first step is to clean up any food debris and keep the kitchen and other areas where they are spotted clean and dry. Next, seal any cracks or crevices in walls, floors, and pipes to prevent them from entering your home.

Using baits and insecticides specifically designed for German cockroaches can also be effective, but it is important to follow the instructions carefully and keep them away from children and pets.

Additionally, using sticky traps and vacuuming regularly can help reduce their population. Lastly, consider hiring a professional pest control service for severe infestations.

How to Get Rid of Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental roaches, also known as water bugs, are common household pests that can be difficult to get rid of [5].

The first step in eliminating Oriental cockroaches is to locate and remove any sources of moisture in your home. This type of roach lives in sewers and other areas with high moisture levels. This includes fixing leaky pipes, ensuring proper ventilation, and reducing the humidity levels in your home.

Next, you can use insecticides and baits that are specifically designed for Oriental cockroaches. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and keep them away from children and pets.

Sticky traps and vacuuming can also be effective in reducing their population. Additionally, sealing cracks and crevices in walls, floors, and pipes can prevent them from entering your home.

For severe infestations, consider hiring a professional pest control service. It is important to act quickly as Oriental cockroaches can spread diseases and pose a health hazard to humans and pets.

Getting Rid of Wood Roaches In Your House

Wood roaches, including the Pennsylvania wood roach and the Florida woods cockroach, are outdoor insects that can find their way into homes and become a nuisance. Since wood roaches are a type of roaches that can fly, they can easily accidentally come indoors in given the chance.

The first step in getting rid of wood roaches is to seal any cracks and gaps in the exterior of your home, including windows and doors. Next, remove any decaying wood, debris, or other organic matter that may be attracting them.

You can also use insecticides specifically designed for wood roaches, but it is important to follow the instructions carefully and keep them away from children and pets. Sticky traps and vacuuming can also be effective in reducing their population.

Additionally, consider using outdoor lighting that does not attract insects, as wood roaches are attracted to light. For severe infestations, it may be necessary to hire a professional pest control service. It is important to act quickly, as wood roaches can cause damage to wooden structures and potentially transmit diseases.

Getting Rid of Roaches In Your Home

Depending on where roaches have taken up residence in your home, you may need to take different steps. Let’s look at how to get rid of roaches in certain places around your home.

Eliminating Roaches in the Bathroom

cockroach on toilet paper in bathroom
Image: Ted & Dani Percival

To get rid of roaches in the bathroom you’ll need to use both preventive measures and active elimination methods [6]. First, eliminate any sources of water and food in the bathroom by fixing any leaky faucets, sealing any cracks or gaps in the walls or pipes, and keeping the bathroom clean and dry.

Next, use natural repellents such as peppermint or eucalyptus oil to deter roaches from entering the bathroom. To actively eliminate roaches, use sticky traps or roach baits specifically designed for the type of roach infesting your bathroom.

Cockroach traps are effective in trapping roaches that crawl over them, while baits use an attractant to lure the roaches to consume poison. If the infestation is severe, you may need to use insecticides, but be sure to follow the instructions carefully and keep children and pets away from the treated areas.

Regularly monitoring and maintaining cleanliness in the bathroom is key to preventing future roach infestations.

Getting Rid of Roaches in the Bedroom

There are several reasons why roaches are present in the bedroom. One of the main reasons is food sources. If you have a habit of eating in the bedroom, crumbs and food residue can accumulate, providing a food source for roaches. Another reason could be that there are cracks or gaps in the walls or floor that are allowing the roaches to enter.

Roaches are also attracted to moisture, so if there are any leaky pipes or faucets in the bedroom, this could be a contributing factor.

Finally, if there are any other areas of the house that have a roach infestation, it is possible that the roaches have made their way into the bedroom through cracks or gaps in the walls or floors.

Regularly cleaning the bedroom and sealing any cracks or gaps in the walls or floor can help prevent roach infestations in the bedroom.

Getting Rid of Roaches in the Kitchen

cockroaches on kitchen platform
Image: uncoolbob

The process of eliminating cockroaches from the kitchen can be quite tough as kitchens have everything a roach could want.

Initially, it is important to remove any sources of food and water by regularly cleaning the kitchen and avoiding leaving food debris or crumbs out in the open. Storing food in sealed containers and frequently taking out the trash can also help in this regard.

Furthermore, sealing any openings or crevices in the walls and floors can prevent roaches from entering the kitchen.

Active elimination methods include the use of roach traps or baits designed for the specific type of cockroach infesting the kitchen. If the infestation is severe, using insecticides can also be considered, although it is essential to follow the instructions and keep children and pets away from the treated areas. 

How to Get Rid of Roaches in the Basement

There are some ways to get rid of roaches in the basement that we have yet to mention above. However, the main difference is to ventilate your basement correctly.

Use dehumidifiers and floor fans to ensure your basement does not become musty. If you have windows that can open, open them up on days with good weather.

However, if you open windows, check for cracks and holes in screens to ensure adult cockroaches do not enter.

Lastly, create a chemical barrier. Many homeowners spray around the baseboards of their homes a few times a year to eliminate roaches.

How to Get Rid of Roaches in the Garage

garage roach elimination

Removing roaches in the garage is similar to eliminating them from the rest of your home. Make sure to place bait traps, spray, and use natural home remedies to prevent roaches from coming into your home.

However, you can use weather stripping and seal gaps and other cracks that roaches may use to come inside your garage.

You also want to reduce excess moisture by using a dehumidifier, fixing leaking pipes, and cleaning up any standing water you may see.

Eliminating Roaches From the Attic

Eliminating roaches from the attic requires a comprehensive approach, including a combination of cleaning, prevention, and treatment methods.

First, remove any clutter, debris, or old boxes from the attic, as these can provide hiding places for roaches. Vacuum the area thoroughly to remove any debris, roach droppings, or dead roaches.

Then, seal any openings or cracks in the walls or ceilings to prevent roaches from entering or exiting the attic. Consider using roach baits or traps specifically designed for attics to actively eliminate roaches. These baits can be placed in strategic areas throughout the attic to attract and poison roaches.

Additionally, insecticides or natural pest control products can be used to treat the attic. It is crucial to follow the instructions carefully and take necessary precautions to prevent exposure to chemicals. 

How to Get Rid of Roaches in the Carpet

person vacuuming carpet to get rid of cockroaches

Getting rid of roaches in the carpet requires a thorough cleaning and targeted treatment. Begin by vacuuming the carpet thoroughly, paying special attention to the edges and corners where roaches may be hiding. After vacuuming, dispose of the vacuum bag or clean the vacuum canister to prevent any trapped roaches from escaping.

Next, apply a roach-specific insecticide spray to the carpet, following the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Boric acid powder is also an effective and natural remedy that can be applied to the carpet to eliminate roaches.

It is essential to keep the area clean and free of food debris to prevent future roach infestations. Regular vacuuming and thorough cleaning can also help keep the carpet free of roaches.

You’ll also want to take steps to get rid of the roach smell that may have permeated the carpet fibers.

How to Get Rid of Roaches in a Mobile Home

The first step in eliminating roaches from a mobile home is to keep the mobile home clean and free of clutter. Roaches are attracted to food debris, so make sure to keep the kitchen and other areas where food is prepared or consumed clean and tidy.

Store food in airtight containers and take out the trash regularly. Seal any cracks or gaps in the walls and floors to prevent roaches from entering the mobile home.

Roach traps or baits can be used to actively eliminate roaches. Place the traps in strategic areas where roaches are known to frequent, such as near the kitchen or bathroom.

Boric acid is also an effective and natural remedy that can be used in mobile homes to eliminate roaches. Sprinkle the boric acid in areas where roaches are known to hide, such as under appliances or cabinets.

Insecticides can also be used to treat the mobile home, but be sure to follow the instructions carefully and take necessary precautions to prevent exposure to chemicals. 

How to Get Rid of Roaches in an Apartment

Eliminating roaches from an apartment can be particularly difficult as an infestation from another unit can easily make its way over to yours. Even if your apartment is clean, there is still a risk of this happening. Luckily, you can take some steps to combat the problem.

To get rid of roaches in an apartment, you can follow these steps:

  1. Let your landlord or other property manager know. They may be able to deal with the problem for you.
  2. Clean and declutter your apartment regularly, especially in the areas where food is prepared or consumed.
  3. Seal any cracks or gaps in walls and floors to prevent roaches from entering the apartment.
  4. Use roach traps or baits in strategic locations around your apartment, such as the kitchen or bathroom.
  5. Use boric acid as a natural remedy to eliminate roaches. Sprinkle it in areas where roaches are known to hide.
  6. Use insecticides as a last resort. Follow the instructions carefully and take necessary precautions to prevent exposure to chemicals.
  7. Consider contacting a professional pest control service if the infestation is severe or persistent.

Eliminating Roaches from Your Appliances

Appliances can be tricky because, in some cases, you will need to take them apart and thoroughly clean inside the appliance.

For example, if you have roaches in the refrigerator or microwave, they could live in parts that are hard to reach. In this case, use bait traps to lure them out.

However, you can also apply peppermint essential oil, which roaches like to visit the most. Furthermore, mix one part boric acid and one part sugar for a DIY cockroach bait.

Getting Rid of Roaches in a Microwave

cleaning the microwave to get rid coakroaches
Image: Brian Timmermeister

Getting rid of roaches in the microwave requires thorough cleaning and prevention measures.

Start by unplugging the microwave and removing any debris or crumbs inside. Then, mix a solution of equal parts water and vinegar and wipe down the interior surfaces of the microwave with a soft cloth. The acidic nature of vinegar can help repel roaches.

Preventive measures include regularly cleaning the kitchen and avoiding leaving food out in the open, as this can attract roaches.

Getting Rid of Roaches in the Dishwasher

Getting rid of roaches in the dishwasher can be a challenging task, as the warm, moist environment provides an ideal habitat for them.

One of the first steps is to remove any food debris and standing water from the dishwasher. Next, remove the dishwasher racks and spray the interior with a solution of equal parts water and vinegar, as the acidic nature of vinegar can help repel roaches.

You can also sprinkle boric acid powder in the bottom of the dishwasher before running a cycle, as this can help kill any roaches that may be present. Roach baits or traps can also be placed near the dishwasher to lure and kill any roaches that may be present.

Finally, sealing any cracks or gaps around the dishwasher and keeping the kitchen clean and free of food debris can help prevent future roach infestations in the dishwasher.

Dealing with Roaches Outside Your House at Night

Getting rid of roaches outside your house at night can be accomplished through a combination of preventive measures and active elimination methods. First, eliminate any potential food sources by cleaning up food scraps and garbage around the exterior of your home, such as in outdoor trash cans or compost piles. This will discourage roaches from gathering in those areas.

You can also use outdoor insecticide sprays or baits specifically designed for roaches to treat the areas where roaches are present. Additionally, sealing any cracks or gaps around your home’s exterior can prevent roaches from entering.

Consider using natural remedies, such as diatomaceous earth, which is a non-toxic powder that can be applied to surfaces to dehydrate and kill roaches. Regularly monitoring and maintaining cleanliness around the exterior of your home is key to preventing future roach infestations.

Eliminating Roaches in Your Car

cleaning car's interior for keeping cockroaches away

Getting rid of roaches in a car can be challenging, but there are several steps you can take to eliminate them:

  1. Start by thoroughly cleaning the car’s interior, especially the areas where food crumbs and debris accumulate, such as the seats, carpets, and floor mats. Vacuuming and wiping down surfaces with soap and water can help remove food residues and grease.
  2. Next, use a pesticide specifically designed for roaches to treat the car’s interior. Follow the instructions carefully and make sure to use the product in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Place roach traps or baits in strategic areas of the car, such as under the seats or in the trunk. These products are designed to attract and trap roaches or lure them to consume poison.
  4. Consider using natural remedies to repel roaches, such as essential oils or cedar chips. Place these items in the car to discourage roaches from entering.
  5. Finally, maintain cleanliness in the car and avoid leaving food or trash inside. Regularly vacuuming and wiping down surfaces can help prevent future roach infestations.

If the infestation is severe or the above methods do not work, consider contacting a professional pest control service to treat the car.

How to Get Rid of Roaches in a Storage Unit

To effectively eliminate roaches from a storage unit, a comprehensive and targeted strategy is necessary. Begin by removing all items from the unit and examining them for any signs of roach activity. Dispose of heavily infested or contaminated items.

Thoroughly clean the unit, focusing on areas where roaches are likely to hide, such as cracks, crevices, and corners. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove debris, then clean surfaces with soap and water.

Apply a roach-specific pesticide to the unit, following the instructions precisely. Use a sprayer to distribute the pesticide evenly, paying close attention to the perimeter and any areas where roaches are prevalent. Place roach traps or baits in the unit to trap or kill the remaining roaches.

Consider using natural remedies such as diatomaceous earth to repel or kill roaches. Regularly check the unit for signs of roach activity and maintain cleanliness by storing items in sealed containers and not leaving food or trash in the unit.

If the infestation persists, contact a professional pest control service to treat the unit.

How to Get Rid of Roaches in a Restaurant

Getting rid of roaches in a restaurant is crucial to maintaining the establishment’s hygiene and preventing the spread of diseases. The first step is to conduct a thorough inspection of the restaurant to locate and identify any areas of infestation.

Once identified, implement strict sanitation procedures, such as cleaning up food spills immediately, taking out the trash regularly, and sealing all food in airtight containers. Regularly inspect and clean all kitchen appliances, including ovens, refrigerators, and stoves.

Use insecticides or baits specifically designed for the type of roach infestation present in the restaurant, but follow the instructions carefully and ensure that any treated areas are kept away from food and customers.

It’s important to train employees on proper hygiene practices and encourage them to report any signs of roach activity. Regular monitoring and maintenance is key to preventing future roach infestations in a restaurant.

How Long Does it Take to Eliminate Roaches?

It can take two to eight weeks to eliminate roaches, depending on your property’s size and the size of the infestation. However, do not allow that to discourage you!

Ways to Prevent Roach Infestations

There are many ways you can prevent a roach infestation.

1. Have a Clean House

cleaning home

Make sure to always clean up dirty dishes and food spills as soon as they occur. You should also frequently empty garbage cans. While roaches may still come into clean homes, it does make your home more inhospitable.

2. Store Food Properly

Make sure you store your and your pet’s food properly. Purchasing sealed containers or Ziplock bags will do wonders for you.

Making sure everything is in airtight containers is the only way you will ensure no roach, whether German roaches or brown-banded roaches, will enter your food.

Read More: What Do Cockroaches Like To Eat?

While you’re sealing up your food, make sure you check it too. I’ve seen unaware homeowners seal cockroaches up inside their cereal and flour!

3. Fix Leaky Pipes

If your home contains any leaky pipes, make sure to fix them right away. American cockroaches love living in sewers because of the potential food and water sources it provides.

4. Clean Up Dead Roaches

dead roach
Image: Hector A Parayuelos

Dead roaches will attract roaches due to them becoming a food source. Make sure you clean up the dead bodies.

Another reason you should clean up dead roaches is that they carry diseases nobody wants.

5. Eliminate Cardboard Boxes & Newspapers

Roaches love hiding in clutter, especially in newspapers or cardboard boxes with clothes. Make sure you clear any of these things and consider purchasing large plastic bins to replace the cardboard.

How Do Professionals Get Rid of Roaches?

Professionals get rid of roaches by doing three main things: inspect, first treatment, then a follow-up treatment.

1. Inspection

Most people who do pest control thoroughly check the surrounding areas of your home for any cracks or crevices you may have.

They also help you identify which cockroach species you have, making it easier to understand their behavior and reproduction rate.

2. The First Treatment

After inspecting the inside and outside of your home, the professionals will provide the first treatment for your home. Then the waiting game is on.

3. A Follow-Up Visit

After a few weeks, the inspector will visit you to ensure the roach population is gone. However, if the worst-case scenario happens, they might need to spray with a second treatment. The overall goal is to prevent future infestations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Hire a Professional Exterminator?

Yes, you should hire a professional exterminator if your cockroach problem has gotten too large to handle alone. A professional can accurately identify the roaches that are infesting your home or business. They will then be able to implement an effective plan of attack.

What Smells Keep Roaches Away?

Many smells keep roaches away, but the main ones you should know about are peppermint, cedar, and citrus. Still, here is a quick list of what deters cockroaches from your home:

What Do Roaches Eat?

Roaches eat almost anything they can get their hands on, making them extremely difficult to eliminate.

You will find that a cockroach loves starchy foods, sugar, and other foods containing fatty content. However, they also love decaying organic matter like wood, fallen leaves, bush trimmings, etc.

If a cockroach cannot find what they need outdoors, they will come searching for them inside your home.

Why Am I Only Seeing Baby Roaches?

If you are only seeing baby roaches, you most likely have a cockroach infestation. For example, the German cockroach produces rampantly, so they will be the most problematic pests to eliminate from your home, and you’re likely to see many German cockroach nymphs.

If you see baby roaches in your home, you want to act quickly on your next steps. 

Read More: How Do Roaches Reproduce?

If I see any long legged centipedes, I always make sure I don’t kill them too! They eat cockroach nymphs, making it easier to control an infestation in the long term.

Why Are Roaches Hard To Kill?

Roaches are hard to kill for several reasons, including their adaptability and quick reproduction.

First, they are highly adaptable and can quickly develop resistance to pesticides and other control methods. Second, they can survive without food for long periods of time and can eat a wide variety of materials, including paper and glue, making it difficult to eliminate all potential food sources.

Third, they reproduce rapidly and can lay hundreds of eggs at once, making it challenging to completely eradicate an infestation. Finally, roaches are skilled at hiding in small, hard-to-reach places such as cracks, crevices, and inside walls, making it difficult to target them with treatment methods. 

How Do You Keep Cockroaches Away At Night?

You keep cockroaches away at night by keeping the lights on and making your home less inviting to them. Most types of roaches tend to avoid light as they prefer dark spaces where they can hide. So, you can keep your lights on or use UV lights to keep them away.

In addition, it’s always important to get rid of any food and water sources they may be accessing. Finally, use either natural or conventional control methods, including working with an exterminator to get rid of the problem quickly. 


  1. Potter, M. F. (2018). Cockroach Elimination in Homes and Apartments.
  2. Ogg, B., Ogg, C., & Ferraro, D. (n.d.). COCKROACH CONTROL MANUAL.
  3. Wang, C., & Cooper, R. (2020). Cockroach Species in New Jersey and Their Control Strategies.
  4. Ogg, B., Ogg, C., & Ferraro, D. (n.d.). COCKROACH CONTROL MANUAL.
  5. Suiter, D., & Forschler, B. (2022, February 22). Management of Pest Insects In and Around the Home. UGA Extension.
  6. Potter, M. F. (2018). Cockroach Elimination in Homes and Apartments.


  • Angela Newbold

    Angela Newbold left the world of blogging and has spent the last few years as a professional freelance writer. She is passionate about providing thoroughly researched, accurate information relevant to today's readers. Her clear, concise writing style offers in-depth information on various topics appreciated by busy people who may need more time to research for themselves. Her other passions include homeschooling her daughters, photographing nature, and volunteering in her community. Angela and her husband reside in the Midwest. Newbold Angela