Does Ammonia Kill Roaches? Can You Pour It Down the Drain?

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If you start smelling a pungent odor, seeing roaches in your kitchen cabinets or notice them in other areas of your house, you may realize you have a cockroach problem!

In that case, one of the first things you will do is look up how to eliminate cockroaches forever!

One home remedy you may stumble across is ammonia, and now you wonder if it kills cockroaches or not.

This article will discuss how you can kill cockroaches with ammonia, along with other common questions you may have about the subject. Continue reading to find out more! 

Read More: Complete Cockroach Removal Guide

How Does Ammonia Kill Roaches?

Ammonia kills roaches by breaking up their exoskeleton. In return, it kills the roach because they need that extra layer of protection for their insides. This also repels them as they know it is dangerous to them.

However, ammonia does not kill cockroach eggs due to its inability to break down the egg coating. 

How to Use Ammonia to Kill Roaches

ammonia solution into a spray bottle

To kill cockroaches with ammonia, use a strong enough concentration solution. Otherwise, the cockroaches will not die.

Here are the steps to do so:

  • Step 1: Generally speaking, use a 2:1 ratio of ammonia and water. For example, if you have 1 cup of hot water, include 2 cups of ammonia in the solution.
  • Step 2: Afterward, pour the ammonia solution into a spray bottle and target the areas where you know their hiding spots are. If you see a cockroach while spraying, spritz them immediately on contact. 

How to Use Ammonia to Keep Roaches Away

cleaning your surfaces

You can use ammonia to deter cockroaches by cleaning your surfaces with it once a month. 

Doing so ensures cockroaches will stay away from your home, especially if you have had them in the past. 

To do this, fill a bucket of water with 2 cups of ammonia. Afterward, wash hard surfaces like the toilet, sinks, countertops, and appliances. 

Another way to use ammonia is by doing laundry.

Add 1 cup of ammonia to the base of the drum with a mild detergent before adding clothes and water. For more safety precautions with laundry, see below. 

Ammonia will help your clothes look brighter and kill bugs and larvae on your clothing that may have potentially gone there.

Read More: All About Cockroaches in your Bathroom

Can You Use Ammonia Down the Drain for Roaches?

use ammonia down the drain

Yes, you can use ammonia down the drain for roaches

Cockroaches love to hide in dark, moist places where they can get water and food.

However, it is essential to use the correct ratio as not enough would not kill the roaches, and too much of the ammonia solution will damage your sewage pipes. 

Mix 8 liters of hot water and 4 cups of ammonia. After you finish mixing, pour the mixture down the drain, which kills the roaches.  

Safety Precautions to Remember Before Using Ammonia

spraying ammonia with proper safety precautions

While spraying ammonia, ensure you apply the proper safety precautions. 

For example, never use ammonia on wool or silk, as it breaks down the proteins that make up these products. Never use ammonia on stainless steel, either. 

It is essential to never mix ammonia with anything that contains bleach as toxic gasses form called chloramines, which cause coughing and nausea. 

Ensure you wear goggles, gloves, aprons, and boots to protect your eyes and face. 

It would help if you also used ammonia in a well-ventilated area. Suppose you go into a room that does not have a lot of ventilation. In that case, open a window or door before starting the process.

It is unwise to use ammonia if you have a respiratory illness, such as bronchitis or asthma. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Smells Keep Roaches Away?

Strong scents such as mint and citrus are generally those smells that keep roaches away

If cockroaches are inside your home, killing them is your ultimate goal. However, you also want to deter roaches as well. Here is a quick list of some smells you will want to use:

How Do You Keep Cockroaches Away at Night?

The best way to keep cockroaches away at night is to seal off cracks in the home. 

Alternatively, set traps containing boric acid, and diatomaceous earth, and by using baits.

Prevent cockroaches in bedroom by not taking any food or water into your sleeping quarters. 

Reduce the clutter in your home and empty trash cans often. Lastly, close all openings from outside, including windows and doors.

Do Roaches Hate Bleach?

Yes, roaches hate bleach. Roaches do not like bleach because of its pungent smell. In that case, cockroaches will stay clear away. However, bleach is not the most effective method of eliminating cockroaches.

Use Ammonia to Kill Roaches

use ammonia to kill roaches

Overall, you can use ammonia to get rid of cockroaches. Make sure to use the extra safety precautions we have provided above. You also want to ensure you use the right amount each time instead of guessing. 

However, if you do not see any difference within a few weeks, it would be wise to call pest control.

We wish you the best of luck in getting rid of these pests once and for all. Remember, we are here for your everyday questions and needs!


  • Angela Newbold

    Angela Newbold left the world of blogging and has spent the last few years as a professional freelance writer. She is passionate about providing thoroughly researched, accurate information relevant to today's readers. Her clear, concise writing style offers in-depth information on various topics appreciated by busy people who may need more time to research for themselves. Her other passions include homeschooling her daughters, photographing nature, and volunteering in her community. Angela and her husband reside in the Midwest. Newbold Angela